Chapter 18

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TW: Mentions of Rape and Torture

"There is bruising visible and what also appears to be the marks of handprints on her thighs, the skin is red. I'm sorry to say, I am almost certain that Feriha was raped." The midwife announced after walking out of the tent. The sounds of horror were audible by everyone present and Hayme Ana collapsed. The women rushed to lay her down in her tent while the men stood around, not knowing what to do.

Ertugrul was eerily quiet after the announcement although to those looking carefully, anger could be seen in his eyes. He moved to sit inside the tent where his wife was. She had a frown upon her beautiful features and he hoped she wasn't having nightmares. Feriha shifted a little before waking up.

"Ertugrul" she croaked out quietly as she made a move to sit up. "I'm here my love" Ertugrul soothed as he stroked her cheek. He sat her up slowly and placed cushions behind her so she was comfortable. "What is happening to me?" She asked her husband in a scared voice. "I don't know how to tell you this my beautiful hatun, but you're pregnant" Ertugrul told her quietly.

"What? That-that can't be. We have barely spent time together let alone try for a baby, so that's impossible! The doctor must be wrong" Feriha panicked. "Stay calm my love, please! The doctor said there are some marks on your body" Ertugrul told her. "They tortured me, of course there would be marks" Feriha said.

"No. She said bruises and res marks near your hips and thighs. Feriha, did they- did they take advantage of you?" Ertugrul asked in a concerned tone. "No, they never did-wait! There was one soldier that came to me in the night. He gave me water because I was thirsty and then I fell asleep afterwards. I didn't think anything of it because I was already tired before he gave me wthe water. But now that I think of it I fell asleep so quick. When I woke in the morning, my body really hurt but I assumed it was due to the torture" Feriha told her husband.

"Also, if I remember correctly, he was giving me these strange looks. Oh gooodness, he myst have drugged the
water!" Feriha exclaimed and started hyperventilating. Ertugrul moved to the bed and put his arms around her to give her some comfort. He rubbed her back a little and soothed her as she sobbed in his arms.

"Ertugrul-what am I going to do with the baby. I don't want a child that was forced upon me by a Mongol, but I don't know how I would get rid of it" she told him between sobs. "Shhh, shhh, we'll think about it once you feel a little better. We still have plenty of time to get rid of it if we need to, but for now just rest my love" Ertugrul calmed her. "Don't  leave me" she pleaded with him. "I won't darling" he replied with a small smile as he kissed her forehead and they cuddled for the rest of the day.

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