Chapter 3

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Feriha Hatun

Everything is still black and my head is hurting, I think? The last thing I remember is some soldier saving me from the mongols and then asking my name before I slipped into this dark abyss. My eyes feel heavy and I think they're stuck shut or that's what it feels like anyways. I wonder if he thought I was dead and I'm still in the woods. Or maybe he moved me ? Ugh, I should stop thinking, my brain really hurts!!!


Ertugrul, although majorly shocked by the arrival of the woman, had ordered his men to take Feriha to Akcakoca's tent (this is the name of the doctor in ssn 1 of ertugrul btw). The Alps had carefully carried her and swiftly taken her to the healing tent. Akçacoca has said that the girl is in critical condition and he might not be able to revive her. If there is any chance of this woman being Ertugrul's first wife, he has to save her. Even if she wasn't he would still help her because he is a generous man. So when Akçacoca asked for medicinal herbs to be collected Ertugrul volunteered first and ran immediately to find what was needed.


When he came back, the woman was still unconscious. He really hoped she would wake soon so he could find out if she was his wife or not. While he waited he decided to check up on Halime and her family who had recovered from their injuries. Then he left to pray to Allah to save this woman.

Hayme Ana (Ertugrul's Mum)

When Bamsi brought the girl to the tent, I thought it was just another injured woman. Then, when they took her too the healing tent, I got a closer look and I saw the face of my beautiful daughter in law. The sheer sight of her almost gave me a heart attack and I suddenly collapsed.

The next thing I knew, I was in my bed in the marquee with my dear Suleyman sat next to me clasping my hand gently. "Suleyman" I said and then he looked at me and smiled. He helped prop me up against the wall and handed me some water. I took a long sip before I said "Suleyman, did you see the girl? That was our daughter in law, wasn't it?" He sighed before saying " I did and it does appear that that is our beloved daughter in law Feriha." I gasped and he put his arm around me to comfort me. "Do not worry my Hayme, she will be ok. You know she is in good hands inshallah Allah will grant her health" he told me. I nodded and then breathed deeply a few times.

Feriha Hatun

I need to open my eyes. I need to know what happened. Slowly, I manage to unstick my eyelids and slowly push them open. At first, everything is blurry but then my surroundings begin to become clear. My eyes slowly scan the room and I am in a medical tent? I feel a heavy weight shift near me and I see him a man sleeping beside me in a chair. "Ertugrul?" I say out loud. I don't know why I said that. Suddenly, the man's eyes fly open and he almost hits his head as he realises that I have woken up.

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