Chapter 2

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Chapter 2; Relapse, Recovery, Repeat

Demetria's POV:

December 29th 2010


"That wraps it up for you're 2 month progress, you've done so well Demi!" My councilor Denise smiled at me. 

I smiled back, a real, genuine smile, I couldn't be any happier, this has been so hard on me, but by how things are going right now, I should be out of here within' the next month, and that makes me ecstatic. It's been really hard being so disconnect to the world, everyday I find myself wondering what the tabloids are saying about me, how the Jonas Brothers tour is. It's going to be hard going from being completely disclosed from the media, to being put back in the lime light for being in 'rehab' but the difference is, I don't think of it as rehab, I see it as me finally realizing I need to get better, and my friends and family supporting me. I know it's going to be hard when I'm out, but I can beat this, I'm stronger then this. 

January 28th 2011;

"Congratulations Demi, you've made it through our program." Denise smiled at me.

I smiled so big I thought my face was going to shatter. I look around and look at my family, my mom, my dad, my sisters, smiling just as big at me. This was a day; I could honestly say I was proud of, this moment, changing my life for the better. 

February 1st 2011


Pressure and temptations, that's what it all comes back too, can't they see what they're doing to me? Attacking me with questions that no one needs to know an answer to answer but myself. I need relief. 

February 4th 2011;

I thought I could be stronger, but we all make mistakes right, it's about what we do next that matters.

February 18th 2011;

Still keeping it quiet and lot of discussion with my family, manager, and publicist, we've decided to start working on my 3rd studio album. Not to put pressure on myself, but to have an outlet of the pain, and the stress, and so far it's been so helpful, I'm just scared to write lyrics that mean so much, putting myself out there, my stories, my scars, it's frightening, but a good challenge.

March 24th 2011

Going through my first interview since being out of rehab was hard, but I got through it without having a nervous breakdown (well not on set) I'll slowly be doing motr, not to necessarily clear up my name, but to get my message.story out, I know I'm not the only teenager that struggles with these things, and I need teenager girls, and boys to know it's okay to get help, and that they're not alone.

March 29th 2011

I just back from the tattoo parlour and got 'Stay Strong' on my wrist. I feel like it'll be a good reminder because whatever I'm doing, it'll be right there as a friendly reminder, i'Il can beat whatever life throws at me.

April 26th 2011

I've been really busy lately but it's the good kind of busy, stress-free. More writing and recording, it feels good to have that love of music back in my life.

~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~

This is what Demi's POV will looks like for the first few chapters, establishing what Demi is going through, so no Nemi yet. Not always 'diary' entrees, but maybe what actually happened on that day.

Almost 500 reads, wow, thank you guys so much it means so much!

Your feedback is dearly appreciated too! I love reading and replying to your comments.

Please please please do vote! Tell your friends all about it (;

This chapter is too @DEMIFAN4EVER gurl I feel you, love Demi so so much! thank you so much for your lovely comment, xo.

Stay Strong lovess, I love you all!

- Summer x,

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