Chapter 1

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Chapter 1; Why?

Niall's POV:

November, 4th 2010.

We pulled up to a large studio with a huge group of fans surrounding it. Crazy to think we've been on the X Factor for just over a month and we already have fans, it feels surreal.

"Let's make a run for it lads." Louis joked.

We all laughed but within a few seconds we were being ushered through the crowd by security guards. I really wish I could have at least had a pen to sign somethings, I feel bad. They must have been really excited, hopefully on the way back. We were doing our first Radio interview today, and I am terrified, what if I curse? What if I make an arse of myself? Oh jeez. We entered the building and were being guided to the interviewing desk? I don't know, never done this kind of thing.

"You nervous?" Liam ask me nudging my arm.

I nodded my head kind of scared what might happen if I speak, what if I say something I don't mean too? What if I up chuck? Oh god, now I'm going to be sick.

"Don't be. Deep breathes and drink some water." Liam casual reminds me as if he's not fazed at all.

God I wish I had his confidence. As I take a drink of water I start reminding myself facts about myself. Name, Niall Horan. I live in Ireland. I'm 16- wait no 17, I, uhm, thats about it. Oh god, what if they think I'm boring. My thoughts were cut off by the interviewer/host welcoming us and telling us to put our headphones on. I looked around at the rest of the boys who didn't look nervous at all, they all flashed me an encouraging smile, which helped me. The host went over the basics and it sounds like I'll make it out alive.

"Live in 5,"

Calm down Niall, you can do this.


Hopefully you'll be doing this for the rest of your life.


Deep breath.


Oh god no. Can I make a run for it?!


Too late now.

"Good afternoon and were here live with X Factor contestants Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, and Niall Horan who make up One Direction!"

I swear I was going to vomit when he said my name.

"Now boys, this is your first interview aside from the stuff directly from the X Factor, how are you all feeling?"

"Well I myself am a little excited, but I think we have a nervous one beside me." Harry laughed as he poked my sides and I felt my checks burn red.

"Nothing to be nervous of!"

They all laughed in sync while I comptemplated faking a heart attack.

"So, since were going to be the first to get down and dirty with 1D's gossip, we asked the fans to send in questions, and we choose the ones we think were the best. Does that sound fair to you guys?" The host, who I never got the name of, but I think is Dave asked.

We all nodded in agreement.

"Single, or taken?"

"Single." We all answered in sync.

First time I spoke (durning the interview) and the only thing that came out of mouth were words. Success.

"Huh, well lucky girls who are waiting outside the studio." Dave laughed. "Favourite animal?"

Louis and Harry answered that question. I'm still trying to breathe properly.

"How have you all gotten along so far? Any fights?"

"There has been moments where personalities have clashed, but we all work it out." Liam said, it was the truth.

"Aah! No juicy drama, yet! Celebrity crush!"

Ah fuck, they got me on this one.

"Niall? You're going a little red over there, you okay?"

"A-yeah, I'm fine."

"His is Demi Lovato." Louis says, and I have a temptation to punch him

"Yeah, all he talks about, how beautiful she is." Harry adds on.

I blush even more. It is true, I mean, have you seen her? She's beautiful and talented.

"Yeah! Well she sure has some drama going on right now!" Dave said looking down at the paper for the next question.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask.

"You haven't heard?" Dave asked me in shock.

I look at the other boys and they're clearly as puzzled as I am. Dave hands me a magazine.

"She went into rehab just a few days ago, got mad and punched a back up dancer. No one knows exactly why but it list possibilities in the magazine."

I couldn't believe it. I feel sick, did this room just get really hot or is it just me? I-I think I'm gunna pass out.


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! He's gunna have to wake up!" I heard I though to be Louis' voice.

"Guys, I'm sure he'll wake up, just give him some time." Liam pleaded.

As I was just about to open my eyes. "No can do!" Louis yelled and the next thing I know I'm soaking wet & ice is pelting my skin.

"What the fuck?" I scream sitting up and taking in my surroundings.

I'm back stage at the X-Factor and the boys are all around me, Louis and Zayn each with buckets.

"You wouldn't wake up after you passed out at the Radio station, and we have rehearsal." Louis explained.

"You ass! I was just about to wake up." I yell as Liam hands me a blanket.

"Sorry." Louis and Zayn mumble.

Arses, I get up off of the ground and grab the change of clothes clearly laid out for me. I go into a dressing room just thinking about what happened at the Radio Interview. I don't know her at all, just a celebrity crush, but I can't believe should would do that to herself, she's just, so beautiful.

"Niall! We have rehearsal! Hurry up!" Simon yelled banging on the door.

I quickly changed with my mind still wondering. Why? Why would someone so beautiful, and so talented, ever do that to themselves?

~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~

Only posted the prologue and so much postive feedback, thank you all so much, I am really excited about this one (: 

This chapter is to oOAeroOo thank you so much for your encouragment love (:

Comment something nice and I'll give you a shout out and dedicate a chapter to you.

Remember to vote, comment and fan.

I love you all, xo.

-Summer x,

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