26 (Settling in Sindria -Meeting

Start from the beginning

Sinbad continued and broke my mental cycle, "I've already agreed to let them have a meeting with you after the announcement." He paused. "During those meetings I or one of my Generals will also be present." He paused again, glanced at Ja'far and continued with one of his fake laughs, "You are Sindria's Prophet now, so you won't be telling them anything you haven't already told me." Then he stopped and waited again.

I guess those pauses were to give me a chance to say something. Nothing came to mind though. "That makes sense," was all I said in response. I had a feeling that the issues I had with Sassan weren't what he was looking for, and I wasn't mentally prepared for that conversation yet either.

Sinbad kept watching me for a reaction that wasn't coming. "That's all? I'm surprised you don't have more to say."

I kept my expression neutral. "This was bound to happen eventually, right? Countries join the Seven Seas Alliance to be on your good side and have access to your help and resources. I'm one of those resources now, so it makes sense they would ask to talk with me. Just as it makes sense that you would want to control what information I share with them." Honestly, it wasn't something I had thought about; it just seemed obvious as soon as he said it. I hoped that whatever rumors reached the Alliance didn't have anything to do with me wearing purple.

Ja'far pushed, "You really don't have any questions or comments about this?"

"Not really." It felt like they were looking for some hidden meaning in my words, but since they weren't direct I had no way to know what to tell them. "Unless I know exactly what his Majesty wants me to tell them, I don't have an opinion one way or the other. As long as I'm not asked to talk about the tabo-." Sassan's God was Solomon; they were definitely going to ask about him.

Sinbad's expression hardened as he watched me. "What about the taboo?"

I couldn't get out of answering since I'd slipped up. "If they ask me certain questions about their religion it might involve the taboo information. There was a lot lost to time, and a good portion of that was intentionally left out so the taboo information could be forgotten."

Both watched me with growing understanding. Eventually, Sinbad said, "They want to ask you about 'the word of God.' Some of their questions will likely involve the taboo."

I took a slow breath and grabbed my left arm. My mind was going blank.

Ja'far gave a suggestion

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Ja'far gave a suggestion. "If you can at least answer some of their questions, I'm sure they would accept you not answering others."

"I hope you're right." If he wasn't, this was going to get very stressful for me. Avoiding the taboo was hard enough in small groups, I wasn't sure if I could hold my ground against the whole Alliance at once. I had a feeling they wouldn't be as lenient with me involving the Calamities as Sinbad was.

"There's still time before you have to talk to them." Sinbad reassured me with his words and tone. "We can have Spartos help prepare for their questions. Since he is already aware of the situation, he will understand if you say you can't answer something."

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