Chapter 16

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Pixie Lixie: Thanks for organising the night, it was super fun

Smell Noelle: Ah yeah, all good. Glad you enjoyed it. 

Pixie Lixie: Hyunjin seems really excited about Chris as well

Smell Noelle: Don't blame him

Smell Noelle: But yeah they really hit off

Pixie Lixie: Well thanks for the night

Smell Noelle: You're welcom Lix

Felix began typing something else, it went on for almost a minute. She watched as the bubble disappeared and reappeared, before ceasing completely. She could only wonder what he wanted to say. Admittedly they hadn't been as close since his fight with Hyunjin. It wasn't a big change but one that she noticed. Their conversation felt a little animated and Noelle couldn't shake off the awkwardness right away. However, when she saw who entered the room, she was quickly distracted.

Chris entered the room with only a towel wrapped around his waist, his damp hair slicked back to expose his structured jaw. Noelle's gaze shot straight to him and widened as he smirked at her. She sat up from her spot on his bed and eyed him up and down. That was one way to end the night, Noelle thought. She wasn't sure what she wanted when she suggested staying at his place, but this was a view to behold. Maybe she just hadn't wanted to sleep alone.

Noelle's cheeks heated up and she couldn't look away. And she knew he was doing it on purpose, walking around one towel away from being naked. She cleared her throat. "You wanna catch a cold? Put some clothes on."

"If you want me to..." Chris shrugged, turning to his closet to pick out a warm pair of pyjamas. He was purposely flexing his back muscles too. She knew he would've stopped if she asked him to, but really, was it a problem?

"Hang on..." Noelle chimed in, watching as he spun around with a shirt and sweatpants in one hand. "Was that an invitation?"

"... Would you be mad if I said yes?"

Noelle considered it for a moment, then hopped off the bed, striding over to Chris. Though she was quite tall herself, he still towered over her, shirtless and damp from his shower. Tonight, she didn't have to think bout her problems. With a slow smirk, she grabbed the clothes from his hand and threw them back into his closet, her other hand creeping to his hip. The expression that crossed over his face was ravenous as he lifted her up and carried her over to his bed.


Noelle lay awake at night, even after her steamy session with Chris which rocked her world, who now lay cuddled into her side. They had an agreement, they could fool around with no strings attached during his visit. Chris was amazing, she could roll with that, because who was her heart with? Her pixie of a best friend, who was probably spending the night with Hyunjin. It would take time, but she could get over it. She decided not to let it grow any longer, for the sake of her friendship with Felix, Hyunjin, and her friends.

Even as she came to her revelation, she found herself reaching for her phone on Chris' nightstand. A quick scroll through her gallery had her staring at photos of her and Felix earlier in the year, while they were on summer break. It brought a smile to her face, they were so happy. They had visited a theme park, gone to a beach and watched several movies at the cinemas, their most eventful break. Each moment with Felix was cherished, and of course Seungmin, Jeongin and Jisung.

It was going to hurt, it wasn't going to be easy, but it needed to happen. She didn't think she could distance herself from Felix without him noticing, perhaps there were more subtle ways to do it. Hyunjin was a sweet person, which didn't make it any easier. But she couldn't stand seeing them be close to each other, even though she bit back on showing her discomfort.

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