Chapter 10

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Exam week began on the dreaded Monday, sucking out the souls of every senior at Strathfield high. Between losing sleep and working tirelessly after hours on what would determine their future, how could they cope? Well, their final results didn't determine them, and there was a large group that simply did not care. Noelle happened to be one of them.

Ever since her day out with Felix, he plagued her mind. Now she knew this was what her mumma always warned her about. Then again, she knew she was doomed before she realised her feelings for Felix. All throughout high school, she had always managed to scrape by with the bare minimum if it wasn't English. She knew she had the potential to do better, but she never wished to act on it. It didn't concern her and she still didn't know what she wanted to do in the future. She wanted to make her mother proud but wasn't sure how to do that without sacrificing her wellbeing.

Noelle knew something was wrong she finished her exam with 30 minutes left on the clock. Though she tried her best to keep her eyes on her own paper, she could tell from her peripheral vision that nearly everyone else was still scrawling on their paper. She couldn't turn around and check on Felix unless she wanted to be accused of cheating. Even after flipping through her booklet several times, she couldn't see where she could improve. Or maybe she didn't care. Her lack of responsibility was going to cost her one day.

For the next half hour, Noelle dropped her head to her desk and drifted off into a light slumber. Sleeping during exams always hit her differently. Maybe if she ever had trouble sleeping, she could attempt to study. She snorted to herself but quickly disguised it as a cough.

Felix, on the other hand, was doing decently, although his plagiarism of their last assignment might've been biting him in the butt now when he realised one of the sections he studied was not in the exam. He could see Noelle with her head down and knew that she also neglected her studying. Well, at least they were in this together.

The last minute ticked by ominously, suddenly mover faster than it had the whole time. Furious scribbling became louder as everyone rushed to complete their last sentence. When the alarm beeped, everyone groaned, and Noelle jolted up, startled.

"Bro, I changed my mind. I fucking hate English. That was the biggest bullshit ever," Noelle exclaimed with a frustrated groan as they exited the class. She knew she needed to take her studies seriously now more than ever. But her brain refused to let her.

"I know, I memorised the wrong quotes." Felix's mouth upturned into a frown that resembled Charlie Brown. They reached a table and claimed it. They were the first of their friends in the cafeteria.

"Cool, looks like we're both failing." Noelle yawned and rubbed her eyes. Doing nothing for half an hour really took a toll on her, she thought sarcastically. She had half a mind to drop her head on his shoulder and resume her nap. Her boredom did make her tired.

But she was stopped when she saw Hyunjin approaching with a grin. Noelle ever so slightly scooted away from Felix as the tall boy greeted them and dropped next to his boyfriend. She scratched the back of her head sheepishly as Felix wrapped an arm around him. Shortly after, the girls decided to join them. Noelle silently thanked them for saving her from an awkward situation.

"How did English go for you guys?" Hyunjin asked kindly, trailing his gaze over each of them.

"I don't wanna talk about it. I'm not even in advanced and I shit myself," Sana huffed, her mouth full of bread. English was by far their least favourite subject but at least they liked their teacher.

Momo nodded. "Yeah honestly, just glad it's over."

"Noelle fell asleep during the exam," Felix piped up as Noelle's head began to drop from where she had propped it on her hand. He snorted at the irony.

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