*Special Author's Announcement (MUST READ!)*

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At first the room was dark and quiet until suddenly, the lights came on and the Adventure Kids jumped out wearing party hats and threw confetti with a banner in the background saying "Happy 100th Story!". 

"Yay! You did it guys! Woohoo! Happy 100th story!" Random crew members cheered for the Akids. 

But soon, Teeders had a funny feeling. She took out the Adventure Kids's offical series guide book and typed on her calculator before telling everyone. 

"Actually, according to the offical guide this is story 94"

With that, everyone groaned over the disapointing news. And after all the hard work they put into this celebration. 

David then commented. "Well, I'm not doing this again"

We are then shown the Akids back in the room with all the party stuff having been taken down

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We are then shown the Akids back in the room with all the party stuff having been taken down. 

"So..." David started into the fourth wall. "This is kind of a big deal"

"Yeah, think of all the adventures we have been on" Brock chimed in. 

"And all the adventures we'll never go on" Cynthia smirked towards the readers. 

"What better way than for the 100th story to be one of Adventuregirl5's all time favorite movies" Ann smiled. 

"This is not the 100th story" Teeders reminded. 

"Shut up!" Ann whispered back to the older girl. 

"I'm just glad she's more motivated now doing this story after Disney finally made the annocument for Frozen 3" Kali said. 

"Yeah, remember before that when she thought there would never be a threequel?..." David mentioned to his friends. 

~Flashback to a Random Time~

The Akids were shown to be in their clubhouse, minding their own business when they could've sworn they heard the faintest outburst coming all the way from another dimension.


"Did you hear something?" Kali asked her friends. 

"Nah" David shurgged his shoulders while reading his comic book. 

~Cut back to Present Time~

Just then, there was a loud thunder clap while the Akids could hear Adventuregirl5's happy screams growing louder and moved aside before there was another flash and the author appeared, having crossed over to their world. 

"Hey, everyone" Adventuregirl5 greeted her veiwers. 

"I'd like to say after the success of my many previous books I've been asked when are you going to do Marvel? Or Avatar? Twilight? Harry Potter? Or Hamilton?"

"Well, I'll tell you right now......... Screw that! I'm doing Frozen!" 

"But anyway, I'd like to thank you all for your love and support for my stories. And now without further to do, please enjoy... The Adventure Kids Get Frozen" 

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