first day of devil work

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Now we find hushin it's been a full 24hrs since he was turned into a devil now he's back in the orc its after school so everyone is there

Hushin:hey wasup my peeps

Rias:hello hushin how are you

Hushin:I'm all good so whats first on my list of devil duties

Rias:well we will start with handing out flyers then move forward from there

Hushin:ok so what does handing out flyers do exactly

Rias:the flyer is how they contact us devils we go to them and complete any task they have rhen make a pact with them

So hushin grabbed a few stacks of flyers put them in his bag and he was out the door passing out flyers seemed to be easy within a few hours he was completely out of flyers when when went back to the club everyone was still there

Rias:hushin do you need something

Hushin:im out of flyers


Hushin:my dude ever heard of the term indoor voices try useing it

Rias:well normally we hand you more flyers to pass out but it seems akeno has been double summoned  we need you to take one

Hushin:ok but what am i supose to do when i get there

Rias:its whatever they ask and dont worry i will be going with you to show you how it's done

Both rias and hushin step into the magic circle and telaport to the client which was a 17 year old girl who turned out to be a kouh academy student she wanted our help in catching the people that stalking her she explained that for the past weak she been feeling like she is being watched and yesterday she manged to give her stalker the slip but she ended of finding out that she was being stalked by not 1 person but 3 and she overheard them while she was hiding they were planing to kidnap her and she didn't know what to do when she saw the flyer she thought it was some religious thing so she started praying thats when we showed up

Girl:so will you help me

Rias:ofcouse dont worry luckily for you we go to kouh academy aswell well so i will walk home with you while hushin will follow us from a distance

She seem to agree and the plan was launched the next day the first week nothing of note happend the second week is when the stalkers finally showed themselves which turnef out to be three middle-aged men

Hushin:(thinking)seriously you clowns are so desperate to get laid your stalking a teenage girl call an escort service or something

And by god they were horrible at stalking no wonder the girl was able to pick up on that she was being followed they were giggling to themselves and hushin decided to put a end this so he just walked right up to them tap one on the shoulder the second he turned around hushin punched him in the jaw knocking one of his teeth

Hushin:danm i was trying to knock out 3 or 4 of them


Hushin:you and your pissant friends were just stalking my friends give one good reason i shouldn't kick your ass right now

RG2:its three vs 1 kid go back to your mommy

Hushin simply bitchslapped RG2

RG3:alright punk you asked for it i got no problem beating a kid

RG3 tried to throw a punch but hushin caught his wrist and started to bend it backwards

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