Veera: Sho...Should we cook something or go out and have breakfast.

Tanet: You decide. I am fine with either of them.

Veera: There is a small congee place nearby. We can go there.

Tanet: Okay

Veera collects his bike key and they walk out of the condo.

Outside building:

Veera: You wait here. I will come in 5 minutes.

Tanet: Hmm

Tanet is scrolling through his phone when a bike comes and stops before him. He looks up and is surprised to see Veera riding the bike.

Veera: Hop on.

Tanet: This bike..

Veera: It's the one I had since college. I could not give it away. So I asked Kla to take care of it. He maintained it since last 3 years. He bought it back yesterday morning.

Tanet: It's a nice bike. I still remember the first time I saw you enter the university on this bike. You looked hot.

Veera looks at Tanet in shock as he heard him call him hot

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Veera looks at Tanet in shock as he heard him call him hot. Tanet suddenly realizes what he said and he just looks down embarrassed. Veera tries to divert the topic.

Veera: Hop on. I am hungry.

Veera handover a helmet to Tanet. He wears the helmet but was finding it hard to buckle it. Veera takes the helmet and helps him wear it. He then hops on the bike and places his hand gingerly on Veera's shoulder. Veera removes the hand from his shoulder and wraps it around his waist.

Veera: Hold tight.

Tanet: Hmm

Veera starts the engine and they rides away from there. They reach the small shack that serves congee. They both take a corner table which is a bit far from the crowd. Soon a waitress approaches the table with a huge smile.

Waitress: Goodmorning. What would you like to have?

Veera looks at her and finds her staring at Tanet with a seductive smile.

Veera: We would like to have two shredded ginger chicken congee and please make it fast.

The waitress looks at Tanet one more time and goes to get the order.

Veera: I am sorry for placing the order without asking you.

Tanet: No, it's okay. I am sure you know what is best here.

Veera: Hmm

Soon their food arrives. The waitress try to loiter around but she is called by another customer. They start eating their food in silence. They finish eating and Veera pays the bill. They are about to exit the shack when they hear someone calling Tanet's name.


They look behind and see the waitress walking towards them. She is looking at Tanet with a smile.

Waitress: Mr.Tanet, I am a huge fan of your music band, specially your singing. May I take a selfie with you?

Tanet looks at Veera who just nods his head.

Tanet: Okay

The girl comes closer to him but he moves a bit as he was feeling uncomfortable. She takes a selfie and then thanks him.

Waitress: It's a pleasure meeting you.

Tanet: Hmm

She then forwards a piece of paper towards Tanet but he looks at it confused.

Waitress: This is my number, incase..

Tanet: No, thank you. I am not interested.

Veera: Let's go. We are getting late.

Tanet quickly wears the helmet and hops on the bike. They quickly drive away from there without a single backward glance. Soon, they reached their condo.

Inside the condo:

Veera flops down on the couch and closes his eyes. Tanet just stands there looking at him nervously.

Tanet: I..I am sorry.

Veera slowly opens his eyes and looks at Tanet with an unreadable expression.

Veera: For what?

Tanet: That girl..I didn't know..

Veera: You need to stop saying sorry for other's doings. The waitress didn't know that you are married. It's not your fault that you cannot tell anyone about the marriage. It's the fault of circumstances. We are going to face more such situations in next 6 months. We should be ready to face it calmly.

Tanet: But you..

Veera: I am okay. I know what I signed up for when I agreed to this marriage. I am your friend and I understand you. So quit worrying about things that are not in our control. Do you understand?

Tanet: Hmm

Veera: Then smile for me.

Tanet smiles showing his cute dimples.

Veera: That's it. Always keep the smile on your face. Now, come and sit here. I need to speak to you about something.

Tanet sits next to Veera and looks at him.

Tanet: You look serious. What is it about?

Veera: It's about Waan.

Tanet tenses up on hearing Waan's name. Veera holds Tanet's hand and then takes a deep breath.

Veera: I know where she is and who is with. You need to know this?

Tanet: Why?

Veera: Because it concerns you.

Tanet: Her whereabouts or actions does not matter to me.

Veera: She is with Niran in Chiang mai.

Tanet looks at Veera in shock.

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