s p e c i a l

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//note: again, I was unable to finish a chapter because of enrollment so please take a little QnA with the child casts of the previous special chapter


1. Who's the troublemaker?

(Everyone looks at Seth.)

Seth: EXCUSE ME???

Isis: Yeah, he's definitely the troublemaker.

(Seth gasps, offended.)

2. Who's the peacemaker?

[Name]: That's obviously Nephthys, duh.

Isis: Osiris comes in second.

Nephthys: This ain't about him.

3. Who plans out the shenanigans?

Osiris: That would be Seth and [Name]. They cause a lot of mischief when nobody watches over them.

[Name]: I would say we make your lives a lot more InTeReStInG~

Isis: Oh no. You make it more miserable.

4. Who adds more chaos to the said shenanigans?

Seth: Uh...I guess us too...?

[Name]: Sometimes they don't end up the way we want them too so why not add more chaos?

Isis: Which makes it much more worse.

Nephthys: A lot worse.

[Name]: Then why join us then?

Isis: We were trying to stop you two-

5. The 'mom' of the group?

Seth: Isis.

[Name]: Isis, of course! She was the one who poofed me into existence.

Isis: I didn't poof you into existence, my magic did.


Nephthys: Isis! She always treats us like her children, especially when mother's not around.

6. Who's the sassy child?

Isis: Seth.

[Name]: Seth!

Seth: Me!

Isis: Why do you sound so proud?

Seth: Because I am sassy, now bow down to me peasant!

Isis: You-!

7. The favorite child?

[Name]: It has to be me...right?

Seth: I'd say me considering mother and father's patience with our shenanigans.

Isis: Definitely Osiris.

Osiris: Oh, no. It has to be you, Isis.

Isis: Really?

Nephthys: It's me. Mother and father have no use for chaotic children and lovebirds. I'm quite sure they'd prefer a humble and mild child like me.

[Name]: And you call that humble?

Nephthys: Why yes, I do.

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