Chapter Four

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《Chapter Four

《Chapter Four》__________

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"Well my parents kind of want me to go home first," Tally explained to Jason as he hobbled out the hospital at 4:01.

"They didn't even pick you up, " Jason said sharply. He had somehow managed to look worse than he did when he and the others visited the day before. "How much do you think they actually care?"

The words made Tally nauseous. They were true, though. He knew that much.

"Yeah, no, I'd agree with you but um, if I'm going to help find Eddie I probably shouldn't get myself grounded."

"Fine." Jason's eyes scanned the barren front entrance parking lot. Unlike yesterday, he was the only one of Tally's friends present today. "We'll go to your house, and then straight to the meet-up spot, yeah?"

"Yeah, yeah fine," Tally pulled down his sleeve. There was a bruise on his wrist from where an IV had been inserted. He didn't like the way it looked.

Jason was gripping Tally's shoulder—whether protectively or possessively, he wasn't sure—it hadn't been much of a problem until Tally started feeling the older boy's nails digging into his skin.

"Jason stop, that hurts," Tally hissed, trying to wiggle out of his friends grasp. "Do you want me back in the hospital?"

Jason didn't quite seem to understand what he was doing. He didn't understand how much it hurt.

"Do you think it hurt? When he killed her?" Jason asked, barely raising his voice above a whisper. He didn't have to use any names to get his point across.

Tally was more than a little surprised by the question. By the agony in Jason's voice. It was odd, seeing him like this. Jason Carver, someone who was always so happy, so confident, looking like his entire world had fallen apart.

"I don't know," Tally said quietly. He'd heard bits of rumours floating around the hospital. Apparently every bone in her body had broken. Her eyes had completely vanished. That certainly sounded painful. "I hope not."

Jason let go of Tally's shoulder, his hand cutting through the air as it fell back to his side.

Sure, Jason's firm grip had hurt like crazy, but now that it was gone, Tally had the strange feeling that it was still supposed to be there.

"You should get home," Jason spoke all of a sudden, as if he hadn't just asked... asked what he asked.

Tally nodded, the lump in his throat too big to force any words out.

Jason looked over his shoulder, and Tally noticed he was trembling slightly. "Listen, I know I said I'd walk with you, but uh, I think I need to be alone for a bit."

"Yeah, okay," Tally said, furrowing his eyebrows. "I'll see you later."

Jason didn't respond as he walked away from the parking lot, moving like he was in a hurry.

Thoughts swam in Tally's head fast enough to make him dizzy. A horrible headache had been with him since he woke up the other day, and this certainly didn't make it better. He wondered if the throbbing in his mind would ever stop.

The walk home was difficult. Mostly painful. Tally fell over at least six times, and he noticed people crossing the street to get away from him. Too many people for it to be coincidence.

He supposed that news of his reappearance had spread like a wildfire within the tiny town of Hawkins. The rumours that he was a murderer probably spread pretty quick, too.

Why was Jason so convinced that the rumour wasn't true? Was he simply that set on the idea that it was Eddie?

Or was he too scared to believe it. Scared of losing someone else.

These horrible questions plagued Tally all the way home.



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