Start from the beginning

"Hi mom." Tammy whispered, her voice breaking slightly. Tammy's mother didn't say anything, just slammed the door in her face. My jaw dropped and I looked to Tammy to see she was staring at the ground trying not to cry.

"Oh hell fucking no." Rose seethed banging on the door again.

"Rose stop!" Tammy yelled pulling rose back. I really didn't know what to do so I just stood there in shock. The door opened once more and this time a man stood there, his nostrils flaring in anger.

"Get out of here before I call police." He had a thick accent which made it a little hard to understand him at first, but eventually I picked up on what he was trying to say.

"Dad, please." Tammy pleaded.

"I don't know you. You are no daughter of mine."


"Who the hell do think you are?" Rose snapped stepping forward. Tammy pulled her back once more and I finally found my voice in this whole situation.

"We should go."

"Go? Ryles, are you hearing nothing-"

"Stop making this worse for me! Ryles is right, we can't go back to jail. Especially when we just got out." Tammy yelled and Roses eyes widened in shock. Deep down she knew she had no say in this, and she bit her lip before turning around and walking back to the car. I grabbed Tammy's hand and gave it a light squeeze, causing her to softly smile at me as we also made our way back to the car.

Now we were at Roses house, and I knew this would be less way severe then Tammy's visit was. Tammy and I decided to wait in the car as Rose walked up to her house. I saw the door open and Kenny stepped out, a wide grin on his face as he hugged his sister like his life depended on it. A smile appeared on my face, remembering how happy Hawk looked when I came back home for the first time. Rose and Kenny sat on their front porch and talked for about an hour before she made her way back to the car.

"It's about time." I mentioned rolling my eyes. Rose just hit my arm causing me to giggle.

"So where're we going now?" Tammy questioned leaning forward. I knew she still wasn't over visiting her parents and was trying to push her feelings away, but I wasn't going to force her to talk about something she really didn't want to talk about.

"Hawks house. He'll be happy to see you guys, trust me."

"Aw, I missed Hawk. He was cool."

"Yeah, and he was really funny." Rose added. I nodded in agreement and started the car once more making our way to Hawks house.

When I walked inside my boyfriends house it was dead silent. I knew he was home, based on the fact that his shoes were still in front of the house. The three of us removed our shoes and I held an arm out stopping Rose and Tammy from going any further.

"Just wait here. I'll be back." Rose and Tammy nodded before I made my way to Hawks room. There he was, sleeping peacefully under a mountain of blankets. I smiled softly before climbing into bed next to him and rubbing his cheek. He leaned into my touch causing me to grin and rub my thumb against his cheek.

"Hi." He whispered, his eyes still closed and a smile appearing on his face.

"Hi," I whispered back. "How long have you been sleeping here?"

"Three hours."

"Three hours? Ok, get your ass up."

"No, I'm too tired." Hawk whined pulling the blankets over his body. I let out a laugh and pulled the blankets off of his body causing him to whine once more.

"Busy doing what? No offense, but you've been laying in bed all day." I mentioned.

"I was at training." Hawk mumbled causing my jaw to drop.

"You went back to training? That's amazing!"

"Well, yeah. But it wasn't your dads dojo. It was Miyagi Do." Hawk explained and my jaw dropped. Hawk in Miyagi Do? Now that was something I really wasn't expecting. Then again I really didn't care, since as long as Hawk was happy I was happy.

"That's nice. How was it?"

"Exhausting. I spent the first half hour painting fences and spent the next half hour training for the skills tournament. Then I sparred with Sam and almost broke my back."

"Slow down. Skills tournament?"

"You'd know what I'm talking about if you didn't spend all your time getting revenge on Cobra Kai." I let out a sigh as Hawk turned away from me not meeting my gaze.

"How did you know?"

"I'm not an idiot Ryles." Hawk grabbed my hand displaying my bruised knuckles. I pulled away and opened my mouth to say something, but Hawk already cut me off.

"You said you wouldn't leave me. That you wouldn't do anything stupid."

"They hurt you! What did you expect me to do, sit on my ass and twiddle my thumbs?" I asked, my voice starting to raise slightly.

"I expected you not to do anything stupid. What if Cobra Kai comes back for you?"

"Then I'll kick the shit out of all of them again."

"Oh, like it's that easy." Hawk seethed and i rolled my eyes.

"It kinda is."

"God why do you have to be so stubborn?" Hawk yelled at me and i clenched my jaw.

"Stubborn? Says the same one who refused to leave Cobra Kai despite the fact I told you it wasn't safe. If you think about it, this is-"

"Don't say it," Hawk warned, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. "I've told myself it was my fault so many times I lost count. But for......but for you of all people to say it hurts."


"Just go away." He whispered, sniffling. My eyes widened and I tried to walk forward to comfort him but he just backed away from me. My bottom lip started to quiver and I knew the best option was to give him the space he needed.

"Hey, we heard yelling. Everything ok?" Rose asked placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, trying to stop myself from crying.

"I'm ok. Let's just get out of here." I was grateful Tammy and Rose didn't bother to ask that many questions and instead just let me walk out of the house while they followed behind.

Word count:1,679

finally updated this book yessir yessir

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