Part 112

370 7 5

Few months later

Dixie's pov :
Being pregnant with twins is soooo much harder than I expected . I thought like it's gonna be good but it's super hard ! I'm 5 months pregnant and the babies won't stop fighting! They kick me in every single minute! When we went to the ultrasound appointment last week , we saw them fighting and kicking each other. And I also have a little cute bump . Today , We're gonna find out the genders . I told the doctor to write them on a paper and I have the paper to Luna . I told her to make everything ready and she was super excited. Now it's 1 pm and I'm getting ready in my room .

D: ( doing her makeup )
N: baby are you done ?
D: just few minutes babe
N: ( walks up behind her and kisses her cheek ) you're so beautiful
D: thanks , you're handsome too
N: ughhh my fiancé is so hottt ( mumbles in her neck then kisses it )
D: ( giggles )
N: ( kisses her cheeks ) You don't need makeup
D: I do
N: no you don't ( puts the brush down and pulls her ) cmon let's go downstairs now , everyone is waiting for us
D: ( smiling ) okay

We went downstairs to the backyard and everything was just perfect! Luna did such a great job .

L: hi bestie , you look beautiful ( hugs her )
D: thank you ( gets a kick ) ahhh gosh ! ( holds Luna's arm )
N: ( picks her up and puts her on a chair ) you good baby ?
D: ahh my back !
L: it's okay dix ( rubs her hand )
D: owwwww ! Stop it guys ! You can fight when you're out of me !
A: ( laughs) you're so funny dix
D: I'm so tired of them Amy !
Bl: it's okay , now when are you gonna pop the balloons?
N: just wait a little , the babies are kicking
D: ahhhhh ! Just stop !
M: baby do you wanna go to the hospital?
D: no- AAAHHHH! Noah do something!
N: what should I do ??
L: calm down dix , you're okay
D: ( breathing heavy) p-please , I wanna give birth to them now
N: baby it's too soon , take a deep breath
D: ( takes a deep breath)
N: you good now ?
D: yeah
Bl: okay let's pop the balloons now !
N: ( holds Dixie's hand and walks up to the balloons)
L: ( gives them the pins )
D: I'm scared !
N: shhh don't be
L: okay one! Two !
Everyone: three !
D: ( pops the first one and sees little pink balloons ). Omg it's a girl ! ( starts crying)
N: it's okay it's okay baby !
L: okay the other one now !!
Everyone: one! Two! Three !!!
N: ( pops the second balloon and sees little blue balloons) it's a boy ! ( hugs Dixie )
D: ( cries harder )
Everyone: ( cheering)
D: ( whispers) I love you
N: I love you more baby .
M: ( kisses Dixie's head) congratulations baby
D: thanks dad ( gets a pain in her back ) ahh my back !
N: cmon let me take you inside
T: aren't you guys going to eat ?
N: Dixie's tired now , I'll give her food later

Noah's pov:
I picked her up and went to her room , I laid her on the bed and took off her shoes .

D: good thing that we bought the necessary stuff before they grew up !
N: yeah ! But we need clothes now
D: yeah , clothes, we need to get the painter so he can paint the walls
N: yeah that's important
D: yea- Ahhhhhh ! Just stop ! I swear I'm gonna cry !
N: ( kisses her head then goes to her stomach) hi babies , please stop kicking mommy , she's crying rn , it's a good thing for y'all but-
D: why is it a good thing to cry ??
N: the more you cry , the more beautiful the babies will be
D: is this real ?
N: mhm , I read that in instagram
D: oh okay
N: we need names now
D: rightttttt ! The names !
N: do you have any?
D: no but I want something starts with p , it's cute
N: let's starts wit the girl .
D: hmmm okay
N: poppy ? Piper ? Payton ? P-
D: Payton !
N: good choice ( smiles ) okay now boys
D: pual ? Pedro ? Perry ? Paco ? Payton ? Parker ?
N: Parker  !
N: Payton  and Parker !
D: yesssss !
N: okay ( smiles ) poppy and Parker
D: now middle names
N: okay for poppy , what about Kelsey ? Payton Kelsey beck !
D: yeah it fits her !
N: and for Parker , ummmmm
D: Marcus ! Parker Marcus beck !
N: this is soooo adorable!
D: ( hugs Noah )
N: I love you my babies
D: wee love you more

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