Part 80

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One week later

Noah's pov:
Today I'm coming back to la . I packed my clothes then went to the airport with mark and our assistant's. We got on tha plane and it took off . We arrive at la at 6:30 am. We went outside and saw Luna waiting for us . When I saw her , I immediately ran to her and hugged her tight .

L: I missed you so much.
N: I missed you more .

She dropped mark and our assistant's off then took me to my house . She waited in the living room while I shower and unpack . I finished showering and unpacking then I went to the living room and said hi yo mom and dad . We ate breakfast and hung out then me and her went to my room .

N: I wanna show you something
L: what is it ?
N: ( shows her the sets and the necklace that he got them for Dixie ) I got these for Dixie , the day before she broke up with me .
L: Noah these are so beautiful! Why did you return them back to the shop after she broke up with you ?
N: idk , I actually like them a lot so I didn't return them
L: you deserve better Noah , so much better .
N: I don't want better , I want to stay single for the rest of my life
L: don't say that , you'll find your dream girl one day
N: I found her , but she doesn't want me
L: it's okay , you'll find better .
N: ( sighs and lays his head on her lap ) im tired is her sh*t Lou .
L: I know you are ( strokes his hair)
N: ( falls asleep)

Dixie's pov:
I woke up at 10 am at my house . I looked at the date in my phone , today Noah is coming back to la . I wanna see him so bad , but my "boyfriend" hate when I'm with Noah . But I have to see him or I'll die . I have a good plan , I'm gonna do it and idc about anything or anyone . I got ready then went downstairs and ate breakfast. I finished eating then went to  dads room and found him laying on his bed .

D: daddy ? ( hugs him )
M: ( doesn't say anything or move )
D: baba ? Are you okay ?
M: I'm mad at you Dixie
D: why ?
M: why the h@ll did you broke up with Noah? Just give me one reason
D: it wasn't my choice!
M: what do you mean by that?
D: p-please I want to  uh to listen to me and believe me . C-cooper tried to kiss me the day you left to UK with Noah , I didn't say anything to anyone. Then he begged me to go on a date with him but I said no bc I'm in love with Noah . Then the next day I think , he tried r-rapping me . But I told him I was ours so anything for him to stop . He told me to break up with Noah , and I did . I was really sad when I did that . Now I'm dating cooper and I don't even love him .
M: ( shocked ) I'm so sorry babygirl ( hugs her tight ) I promise I'm gonna help you with this
D: ( cries ) please help me dad , I want to be with Noah , not cooper .
M: I will baby ( kisses her head and wipes her tears )
D: I love you
M: I love you too . Now what are you going to do with Noah ?
D: ( tells him her plan ) im just gonna use your phone at night , can I ?
M: ofc you can , but why at night ? Why not now ?
D: I'm just scared if someone saw us and tells cooper .
M: okay ( hugs her again ) I missed you so much
D: I missed you more

Noah's pov:
I love as hanging out with Luna all the day . It was really fine to have some time with my bestie. I think she's the only ones who love me and I know I can trust her . We hung out then she dropped me off at my house at 9 pm . I took a shower and said gn to my parents then went to my room. I laid on the bed until 1:38 then I got a text from mark , it says: " meet me at the park next to my house at 2 am. Song be late and don't ask any questions" . That was weird, why would mark want me to meeting him at the park and at 2 am ?? I wore a hoodie and shorts then took my car and went to the park.

Dixie's pov:
Okay this is it . I'm gonna text Noah from dads phone and tell him to go to the park . I texted him at 1:38 then got ready . I just wore a hoodie and a leggings then went to the park . I parked my car and saw Noah sitting on the chair alone . I missed looking at this face . I got out of the car and walked closer to him . I tapped on his shoes and he turned around and looked at me .

N: Dixie , what are you doing here ?
D: I wanna see you
N: after you broke up with me and dated cooper ? I'm leaving ( about to get up )
D: no Noah ! ( pushes him back on the chair ) please listen to me
N: no Di-
D: please Noah ! Just listen! ( tells him what happened) that's why I broke up with you . Noah I love you , I'm in love with you . I did that just to save myself from getting rapped for the second time. ( carries his cheek ) please forgive me baby . I still love you and I'll never stop . Do you forgive me after you knew the truth?
N: ( kisses her for 5 minutes) does this answer your question?
D: ( smiles and hugs him ) I missed you so much baby
N: I missed you more , since we're her at the park , let's play with the swings !
D: Noah we're not kids
N: cmonnnnn no one's gonna see us ! ( holds her hand and runs to the swings )
D: ( sits on the swing )
N: ( starts pushing her )
D: Noah not too high
N: I'm gonna make you fly yo the moon
D: Noah please , not to high , I have phobia of highs
N: oh sorry ( slows down )
D: now I wanna push you !
N: you can't !
D: yes I can ! ( gets off the swing ) sit !
N: ( sits on the swing )
D: ( tries to push him ) ughhh ! I can't do it ( walks in front of him )
N: ( pulls her and puts her on his lap with her legs besides his thighs and holds her form her lower back )
D: ( puts her hands on his neck )
N: ( slowly swings them back and forth )
D: ( stares into his eyes then kisses him )
N: ( turns it into a make out )
D: ( pulls away after 15 minutes)
N: do you wanna go to my house and continue ?( winks )
D: ewww no ! I'm not having sex until we're married, but now , nope I'm sorry
N: it's okay . So you're a virgin ?
D: if I didn't get rapped then yes
N: so that man took your virginity
D: yeah ( looks away from the embarrassment)
N: ( pulls her chin back to him ) hey it's okay, you don't have to be embarrassed
D: you're not a virgin right ?
N: no I'm not
D: what is your body count?
N: ummm I think 15 to 30 idk
D: that's a lot Noah
N: I know baby but I was in high school and yk , just a teenager trying to have fun
D: you were a f@ck boy in high school?
N: yup , but I stopped hooking up with girls in the last year , bc I wanted to focus on my grades
D: that's good . I was a bad bitch in high school, I used to be late to all the classes and skips the school . It was really fun
N: I wish we could go back to that time an relive that , but together ( smiles )
D: yeah I wish that too ( lays her head on his chest and yawns )
N: do you want me to take you home ?
D: no I wanna stay here with you
N: we can go to my house
D: ok

We went to Noah's house and we cuddled in his bed .

N: ( on his phone while playing with her hair )
D: ( starring at him and rubbing his cheek )
N: ( looks at her )you good bub ?
D: Noah , we're back together right ?
N: I don't think that we really broke up , bc when you did it you were forced so we didn't broke up babe ( smiles )
D: I love you
N: I love you too, now let's go to sleep

He played with my hair until I fell asleep. This night was so wonderful.

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