Chapter 7

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Taehyung was sitting in class the next day. He had dark bags under his eyes, hair in all directions and some basic clothes.

Not that he usually got any sleep at night, but this night he didn't get any sleep at all.

Yesterday Jackson was with him for about ten minutes explaining to him the rules he needed to follow as a roommate.

"You will only talk to me when I tell you to do so. Clean the room daily. Never have someone over. If I have someone over, you're going out." Jackson looked into Taehyung's eyes with a nasty look on his face. "And when I tell you to do something, you're doing it! No matter what I ask you. Oh and remember, your teacher can't always save your stupid ass. So your better listen, you got that?" Jackson didn't even care to hear what Taehyung would say back, before he went out of the room.

Taehyung couldn't sleep with the thought of what his roommate had told him. Taehyung though of himself as a personal assistant to Jackson.

He wanted to tell him no, but the truth was that he was scared to do so.

He's only being a burden if he do so, right?


Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a loud voice calling for him. His eyes widened when he looked at his teacher who had an angry expression.

"S-sorry, what?"

"Do you find it uninteresting to be in my class Kim? Cause if you do, you may leave" Taehyung gulping hard from hearing the angry low voice of his teacher.

"N-no, I'm sorry Mr. Jeon" Taehyung hung his head low towards his desk.

Taehyung could only think about how his classmates probably looked at him like he was a weird and annoying person for coming late and disturbing everyone around.


Everyone in the classroom flinched by the loud sound that came from a heavy book being thrown forcefully onto the desk.


Oh shit..

"I have asked you the same question five times without you answering it, why is that?!" Jeonguk's eyes was dark, way to dark. He had an angry expression showing on his face. Jeonguk had walked closer towards Taehyung, stopped in front of his desk. He looked down at him with his cold gaze. "So now Kim, answer my question". Jeonguk's voice was lower, but not softer.

"Uhm.. I'm s-sorry I d-didn't really.. " Taehyung had his head still, but looked up to see the tall man standing in front of him.

"You didn't really what? Listen to what I asked you?"

The discomfort of getting yelled at in front of people was enough to make water form in his eyes, but he was not gonna make the tears fall. At least not here.

"No I d-didn't listen, I-I'm so sorry sir" If he wasn't crying, you could hear it in is voice how much he struggled at that moment.

Jeonguk looked back at Taehyung for a moment before walking back to his own desk. He had his back faced his class, writing something on the board.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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