Chapter 2

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Taehyung's POV.

"136.. 136.." Taehyung was still looking around to find his dorm. He really hoped he didn't need to share room with a scary dude, or someone who was only partying and coming home late, or someone who would make his sleeping situation even worse. He hoped for a nerd. Someone who would just sit home and do there homework and wouldn't interrupt Taehyung, that would be perfect!

Taehyung was in his own world when he suddenly bumped into someone. Face hitting someone's broad shoulders from the back, making him stumble and fall backwards and land on his butt.

Taehyung looked up only to be met with a blank expression "You blind?" A tall man said.

"W-what? No I just didn't see whe-"

The man standing above him only raised one of his eyebrow. "I don't care why you did it. Just don't make it happen again, understood?"

Such a jerk.

The man had a raspy voice, making it sound like he forced to have a deep voice. "Yeah.. I'm sorry" Taehyung did all he could not to make eye contact with the taller guy. Embarrassed that he didn't see him, when he was right I front of him.

Taehyung stood up and brushed off any dirt that got on his pants after landing on the dirty floor. He looked around only to see "136" standing on the door I front of the tall man.

"Oh! Um.. sorry but could you move?" Taehyung asked him, trying the best he could to be nice.

"Excuse me?" The tall man looking almost shocked at Taehyung for talking to him.

"Could. You. Move? This is my dorm" he really didn't have enough energy to act nice anymore after this long day. He really just wanted to get into his dorm so he could relax for a second.

The man was looking at Taehyung for almost five seconds before he laughed. "What?! Hahah no! Nonono you have the wrong number"

Taehyung only looked at him confused, and that's when the taller man realized that Taehyung meant it.

"You're joking?" He didn't laugh anymore.

".. no?"

"Fuck.. fuck no that you're my roommate"

THIS guy is my roommate??!! Wow thanks, couldn't ask for anyone better..

"It looks like it, if you also have 136 as dorm number" Taehyung was so done with this day, how could it get any worse.

The taller guy looked at Taehyung from head to toe with a judging face "Well this is gonna be a living hell" He breathed out, chuckled to himself as he unlocked the door and walked in. Taehyung followed after him.

The dorm was small. Two beds on either side of the room. A window on the wall beside one of the beds, a view out to the campus. And the other bed had a window beside as well, but it was only a boring wall from another building. There was also a bathroom for the boys to share. There was nothing here he would call cozy, but he was not gonna be more negative right now.

Taehyung was looking around the room, not seeing anything interesting before his eyes landed on one of the beds. The bed where you could look out the window and have a nice view. He saw a luggage laying on top of the bed.

"Is there someone else here as well? Taehyung asked, confused for why it was already a luggage laying on top of the bed when they came in.

They tall boy didn't seem much interested on having a conversation with the other boy "no"

"Then wh-"

The tall man rolled his eyes at Taehyung "Listen kid. If we are gonna share a room, you need to keep your mouth shut. Got it?" He didn't even let Taehyung answer back before he said "Good!"

Taehyung had a bad feeling about this guy. He didn't want to have a conversation with the man, but when someone share a room together it's normal to communicate. He felt like it would be better for him if he only kept his mouth shut, so he wouldn't get beaten up by this guy.

How is this even possible? Is it carma? Have I done something bad for this to happen?

Taehyung let out a sigh. He wanted to ask the guy if it was alright if Jimin could come and help him, but he shouldn't care. The guy told him not to talk to him so then it is his own fault.

He took out his phone and dialed Jimin's phone number. "Hey Jimin. I know you're probably busy with your own room, but would you come to my room and help me when you h-" Taehyung's phone was literally slapped out of his hands.

To say Taehyung was shocked was and understatement. His phone hit the floor with a loud crack. He looked up to see the tall man in front of him with a blank expression.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!" Taehyung was so confused.

"Why the fuck would you invite someone over here?" His voice was almost cracking from the way he tried to make it darker.

Taehyung was so shocked as to why this was even happening "B-because I need help with my things, why would that be a problem?"

"Because my friends are coming over now, so you need to leave"

"This is my dorm as well! Why ar-"



"Creep your mouth shut!" That was the last thing that was said before the door opened. Four guys just barged into our dorm, laughing and talking loud.

"Yeah yeah I know but fuuuck she was hot"

"You're only saying that because you got her attention!"

"Hahaha you should have seen his face at the end when she was about to leave"

The four guys just walked in an sat down wherever they wanted, they took both of the beds. Taehyung was just standing there like a lost puppy.

"Hey Jackson! Your dorm looks like shit.."

So Jackson is the name of my roommate...

"Really Sehun? I got in 20 minutes ago, what do you expect?"

Taehyung was so confused. No one even saw him standing in the middle of the room. He felt so uncomfortable, everyone seemed like a person Taehyung didn't want to hang out with.


I saw my roommate turn to his friend talking. He had a blank boring expression on his face.

"You could have texted us if you had a fuckbuddy over" Everyone started to laugh.

The one named Sehun got up from the bed, walking closer to Taehyung. He gave Taehyung a nasty look.

Jackson chuckled "If I ever sleep with a guy, I will make sure he's even good looking" Everyone started to laugh even more at what Jackson said.

Except Taehyung. He was feeling like shit. He only started at the boys in his room, then he decided to leave.

"Loverboy come back!" Taehyung could hear one of the other boys say.

Before Taehyung walked to the door he stood face to face with his roommate. Jackson was taller than him, but that didn't mean he should keep his mouth shut.

Taehyung started to feel rage building up inside him, but he tried to stay calm "Make sure your friends are gone when I'm back!"

Taehyung turned around, hands on the knob. He was so close to get out of the door before he felt someone drag him back. A hand was around Taehyung's throat, making it hard for him to breath properly. He could feel the nail on his hand digging into the skin.

"I'm gonna let this pass because I really think that you are clueless of who I am. But let me tell you that if you EVER talk to me like that one more time, I will not make you see the daylight one more time!" Jackson almost yelled in Taehyung's ear.

Shiver went down Taehyung's spine. Trying to get out of the man's touch.

"Is that understood?!" Jackson yelled the last part.

Taehyung had no clue why all of this was happening. But he was sure about one thing, and that was to get the hell out of his own dorm. So he took is broken phone on the floor and ran out of the room, not even bothered to close the door after him.

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