Making Headway

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After she got her shower and Jeremy was put to bed. Ross came into the nursery to be near his wife. She had pulled the rocking chair close beside the crib so she could get to Jeremy quickly if his breathing became distressed. Ross came into the nursery and lay down on the cot. He said, "Demelza come lay beside me until I fall asleep, Please." Demelza got up and lay beside him, Ross put his arm gently over her waist and pulled her back into him, he put his nose to her coppery hair and sniffed. Demelza said, "did you just sniff me?" Ross told her, "I can not help myself, my love. I have been without the feeling of you next to me in bed and I always loved the feel and your smell when you lay beside me at night. Ross said, "Demelza can we get back to being the way we were?" Demelza said, "I don't think we can go back but maybe we can go forward.

Ross fell asleep, and Demelza lay there in her husband's arms and thought about what she wanted. She knew without a doubt she wanted Ross, she wanted Ross to be hers. She wanted to spend time with Jeremy, but she still wanted to work when she felt like it or she was needed. She wanted to do photography, to take pictures of the small wonders that people so often miss in this world. Jeremy started to fuss so Demelza untangled from Ross and went to Jeremy. She sang a song that Ross had loved 'Red is My Heart'

I'd a pluck a fair rose for my love
I'd a pluck a red rose blowin'
Love's in my heart, I'm tryin' so to prove
What your heart's knowin'

I'd a pluck a finger on a thorn
I'd a pluck a finger bleedin'
Red is my heart, wounded and forlorn
And your heart needin'

I'd a hold a finger to my tongue
I'd a hold a finger waitin'
My heart is sore until it joins in the song
With your heart matin'

In no time at all Jeremy was sleeping. Ross said, "my love come to lay beside me. He kissed her neck and moved to her lips. Demelza, I need you." Demelza rolled toward him, "yes Ross, I need you to, I still think we need to talk but I need you also. They made love then they fell into a peaceful sleep.

When Demelza woke in the morning, Ross was missing and so was Jeremy. She found them in the kitchen Jeremy was in Ross's arms. He said, "he woke earlier and wanted to play so I took him for a walk on the beach. We watch the birds and the waves Jeremy was gurgling to his father, looking at her son happy she knew she had to make this marriage work. Demelza asked, "Ross, I thought I would call to see about the counseling appointment today, are you still willing to go. Ross looked at Jeremy then he grabbed Demelza's hand, I would go to the ends of the earth if it would make you happy. Yes, schedule it. I know I have issues that I need to address." Demelza said, "I have some insecurities that should be addressed, it comes from people telling me I am not good enough my whole life." She didn't want to say her name. Ross said, "Demelza I do not want her. She was a friend once but I will not have her or anybody else endanger you or my son ever again. Demelza nodded, "Ross I want our marriage to work not just for Jeremy but for us. I do love you!" Ross said, "I love you to my dear sweat Demelza and always will."

Joshua and Grace walked into the kitchen as Demelza was finishing up with the breakfast, Joshua went to Jeremy who looked up at his Grandfather and blew a big bubble and cooed at him. Grace said, "well lookie who wants to talk Grandpa." Jeremy cooed at Grace trying to talk to her. Ross started laughing he said, "he has more attention than any baby I know, but he is the most handsome baby I have ever seen." Demelza smiled, "is that because he looks like you?" Ross smirked, "does that mean you think I am handsome?" Demelza smacked his arm. "I will not bolster your ego anymore." Grace and Joshua chuckled, "No need to do that we all know he has a big enough head." Jeremy started giggling, "Demelza said, "Ross look even Jeremy agrees." Ross came over and kissed his wife.

The therapist requested to see each of the Poldark's separately first. Ross decided he needed to be the one to go first between him and Demelza, he told her he felt his attitude was more destructive to his marriage. When he went into the office alone. The doctor told Ross before we begin, I would like to know why you are here. Ross thought for a few minutes, he said, "I have exhibited in the past a destructive behavior whenever things do not go the way I would like sometimes do things that cause hurt ad harm to myself and others. I tend to blame others for my faults and actions making them a scapegoat for my anger. I do not want to be that man anymore. In the last few years, it has been my wife who has taken the brunt of this attitude. She doesn't deserve it. If I would lose her, I know I would turn it on my son who I don't want that kind of relationship." The doctor said, "Okay those are good reasons. If you would have told me you are doing this to humor your wife, I would have told you to save your money." I do think we can help you find a solution that will work for you. First, we need to find out why you act the way you do, it is not a process that can be done in an hour, a day, or even a month. As long as you are sincere with what you said, we can fix this."

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