Communication is the Key

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Demelza called Grace the next morning asking if she could send some things to the office. She needed the pack and play, check with Ross to see if he had any of the items still in his office that she could us. Also, she asked if she could pick an outfit for her and the baby, She would shower and dress there, if need be, she could take Jeremy in the shower with her. Grace asked, "will you be home this evening" Demelza was honest she said, "it depends on how he reacts today, if he were going to act like a two-year-old then she may come and get clothes, I have to go we'll talk later." Grace thought we need to get the counseling going.

Ross had a restless night. He worried about his son and his wife. Why was he so upset with her, even if she was pregnant was that a reason for him to be an ass toward her. It wasn't he was opposed to more children, but he wanted her to tell him. There should be no secrets between them. He walked into the kitchen hoping upon hope that Demelza and Jeremy was there. His dad was at the table, and his mom was cooking. Ross said, "Does anyone know where my family is?" Grace said, "she called asking if someone could take her a clean outfit and some clothes for Jeremy? She also would like to know if the items that you used at the office is still there so she can use them" Ross said, "I will get her and Jeremy clothes, all the items dad purchased for the office are still there." Grace said, "you may want to apologize for some of those text last night. Calling the police and telling her you married her so she would not quit." Ross groaned, "don't remind me." Joshua said, "even I would not have said that."

Ross got to the office before Demelza and moved some of the items into Demelza office, Keeping the jumper and the playmat in his. When he called the front desk receptionist, he grimaced realizing it was Roth Teague she held a grudge against Demelza because she had her sights set on Ross after Francis married Elizabeth. He told her to please inform him as soon as his wife entered the building. Ruth was thinking trouble I paradise, I can't wait to let Elizabeth know. Demelza came in not long after Ross's call. Before Demelza even enter the building, Ruth called Ross, Demelza is just outside the building, do you want security to detain her." Ross stammered, "What, NO, if she needs help then I expect every curtesy be given to her. Why would you ask such a thing, are you deranged?" Ruth hung up, "there was no need for him to reprimand her like that. It was a perfectly logical question.

Ross waited for his wife to get off the elevator, when the doors open, he took Jeremy from her and gave him a kiss. "Papa missed his little buddy so much; did you have a nice night out?" He looked at Demelza and said, "your clothes are in the shower in my office, I will keep an eye on Jeremy." Demelza showered, put her makeup, and fixed her hair. She went out to the office to find Jeremy fussing. He was a little warm, Dwight assured her it was probably the shot he had yesterday. She went to take him, and Ross said, "he feels a little warm to me?" Demelza said, "probably the shot they gave him." Ross handed him over to Demelza and watch her walk out of the room. He wanted to tell her he was sorry, but he just didn't know how to even broach the subject. Demelza wondered how long he was writing to Elizabeth.

Ross was in and out of Demelza's office all day. He walked in and sat on the coach while she sat in the rocker feeding Jeremy. He just sat trying to think how to broach the subject, but it just wouldn't come. Once Jeremy was asleep, she placed him in the Pack N Play, then went to her desk. She asked, "is there something I can do for you Ross?" He said, "you can't quit Demelza, your place is where I say it is." "I don't know what you want from me Ros," she went to her desk and sighed. When he didn't respond she said," I have work to do." Ross stood and watched his son sleep and wonder how to apologize to her. He left her office without saying anything wondering if she was as tired as he.

Jeremy slept most of the day, when he wasn't he was very fussy which wasn't like him at all. Demelza tried to get her work done well still comforting her son. Something was going to give, and she didn't know which it should be. She would not allow her son to be neglected because Ross didn't know what he wanted. Demelza decided she didn't care what Ross thought; she would ask Grace to watch Jeremy while she was at work. She would tell Grace she was going to employ a cook, because it wasn't fair, she cook for both households. When she told Grace said, "oh please don't I love to cook for the household, it is what I missed the most over the years." Demelza said, "if, you are sure." She took Jeremy up and getting him ready for bed. Ross came in and asked how is he was feeling. Demelza said, "he is still a little warm, I think he missed his own crib." Ross said, "I don't know why you would keep him away from where he familiar with everything. Demelza huffed and walked into the bedroom got her exercise outfit, went to the kitchen saying, "go ahead with supper I am going for a run. Please tell Ross to listen for his son."

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