Soon wasn't enough (F!Reader)

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"And when will it be 'soon' Pepa?!" you yelled angrily, not caring about the black cloud hanging over you. It was the third time this week that your girlfriend did this to you.

You had been in a secret relationship with Pepa Madrigal since you both turned 17, and that was 4 years ago! 4 years of having to sneak around, of having to pretend you were just best friends. 4 years of waiting for her to tell the truth.

Look, you weren't stupid, you knew that not everyone was lucky enough to have parents as understanding as yours, who had long since accepted that you were a lesbian, and that's why you had agreed to take things easy with Pepa until she was ready to tell her mother the truth. But you hadn't expected it to take so long.

You loved Pepa more than life itself, but you couldn't go on like this anymore. You felt bad like you were hiding something horrible when actually, all you did was love her.

"Just give me more time" your girlfriend begged you "I'll try to tell her after the dinner with the Rojas, you know she's been really stressed about this and I don't want to catch her at a bad time"

You sighed deeply and closed your eyes to calm yourself. A part of you knew she was right, it was always better to catch Alma in a good mood, but the other part was worried because your girlfriend didn't seem to realize what was happening. The dinner with the Rojas was for engaging Julieta with that Agustín boy and you knew that if she didn't do something, Pepa would be the next one.

Still, you decided to trust in her once again, because that's what girlfriends did, right?

"Alright" You sighed "but please promise me you'll actually do it this time"

"I promise I'll try" she said

You sighed again and nodded. It was better than nothing.


"I should have known" you growled

Julieta just watched as you walked around all your room with your eyes filled with sadness and anger. She had come to you because you were her only true friend and she needed to vent about the terrible dinner she had with the Rojas the night before.

At first, you listened to her without saying a word because she had tears running down her face and that worried you. You took her to your room and she told you everything. How Agustín was a good man and maybe kind of cute with all his accidents, but he just wasn't for her.

"I don't want to be his nurse for the rest of his life, Y/N" she had said as she cried in your arms.

"Maybe you should talk to your mom about it" you tried to comfort her

"I tried" she sobbed "she didn't want to listen. I'm stuck with this marriage"

You felt so bad for your friend. You wanted to help somehow, but you knew that no one could do anything when Alma Madrigal said something. And that only worried you about your future with Pepa.

You didn't want to make it about You, but you had to know. So you asked Julieta if she knew something about Pepa's talk with Alma and you felt your heart breaking when the brunette frowned in confusion and told you that Alma was already planning Pepa's own engagement with her little friend Félix.

"I thought you knew" Julieta said "Pepa said you agreed to it"

"Why would I agree to my girlfriend marrying someone else?!" You yelled

"She said you two had it all planned and that Félix was happy to help"

"I don't even-" you sighed "and what exactly is the plan I supposedly agreed to?"

Pepa Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now