How do you love the sun? (F!reader)

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"You're hurting me" Julieta gasped "Pepa! It hurts!"

The redhead jumped when her sister squealed and looked at her hand. Her knuckles were pale as they tightened around the brunette's forearm. It would definitely leave bruises on her.

"I'm sorry, Juli!" she said, releasing her quickly, the cloud above her head rumbling with her nerves.

"It's okay Pepita" the older one smiled at her, already reaching for one of her own empanadas "But you have to do something. You can't continue like this"

"What am I supposed to do?!"

"Well, you could start by getting closer to her maybe? Surely it will be easier than just seeing her from the distance"

Pepa looked at her sister as if she had grown a second head. Julieta had lost her mind? She couldn't do that! The brunette laughed at her sister's expression.

"I thought you and Y/N were friends" she raised an eyebrow

"That was before YOUR brother stole her from me"

"Why is he always MY brother when he doesn't do what YOU want or when he annoys YOU?"

"Because you are the one that calms the beasts, señorita perfecta" Pepa rolled her eyes "so do something! Tell him to give me back my friend"

"She's also his friend" the other reminded her

"Whose side are you on, Julieta?"

The oldest triplet just rolled her eyes, it was an argument she wasn't going to win. The redhead had strong feelings for you and since you all were younger Pepa had always been by your side, looking for you and following you like a lost dog. It was no secret to anyone...except for you.

You were adorable and both Julieta and Alma were grateful for the power you had to calm the three siblings. Sometimes you liked to drag Julieta out to force her to rest when you felt she had spent too much time in the kitchen. You were never frightened by Bruno's visions nor considered him a source of bad luck. And God knows how much you helped Pepa to control her emotions, never getting upset by sudden changes in weather.

It was only natural that the three of them would consider you an important part of their lives. Especially the two youngest. For Bruno, you were an escape, a kindred soul who would not leave him alone, his best (and only) friend. For Pepa, you were a pillar to cling to, a warm refuge to wait for the storm to pass, the love of her life.

That was why it was so hard for those two to get along lately. The redhead was terribly jealous of the closeness you had with her brother and poor Bruno didn't know that he was in a silent war that he never intended to participate in. Julieta just watched everything, stepping in when things got too tense.

If only her sister could see the longing look you gave her when she wasn't looking.


"She's going to kill me" Bruno muttered

"She won't" Julieta rolled her eyes "You just have to bring Y/N here, take her to my room, and then you can hide behind me. I'll protect you"

"And is it necessary that we lock them up? It doesn't seem very sensible"

"Do you want Pepa to be hitting you with lightning every day? Because I definitely don't want to spend the rest of my days healing you."

"...I will be back in 10 minutes"

Julieta smiled as she helped her brother into his ruana.

"I'll take Pepa to my room" she said "hurry up"

Her brother just nodded and left the house to look for you. The brunette smiled as she went to Pepa's room. If her sister wasn't going to do anything for you, they'd have to take matters into their own hands.


"Are you sure Julieta won't mind?" you asked, following Bruno up the stairs.

"No no, she said we could use her room to study" the boy lied "Besides, there are always cookies and sweets in her room"

"...get out of my way"

Bruno gasped silently as you pushed him to run to Julieta's door, your sweet laugh echoing down the hall. Before you touched the knob, the wooden door swung open, revealing the eldest triplet's smile.

"Oh Y/N! You're here! Good" she smiled at you.

You didn't even have time to greet her before she took your hand and pulled you into the room. You could see a surprised Pepa in the corner, a cloud quickly forming above your heads, and the temperature of the room rising.

"Now you two can talk!" Julieta said, practically pushing Pepa "we'll see you in a few hours!"

"Wait!" Pepa tried to run but her sister had already closed the door, leaving you inside "Julieta!! Open the door!!!"

You blinked a little, not knowing what was going on. Fog was beginning to form around you as the redhead banged and kicked on the door and within minutes the heat was beginning to make it hard to breathe.

"Hey, it's okay" you said, putting a hand on her shoulder "They can't keep us here forever, but at least we can spend some time together. We haven't talked in a long time"

"I wonder why?" she whispered but you still heard her.

"What does that mean?" you frowned

Pepa felt her blood boiling, her face heating up and the fog around you thickened. She was upset with you for asking such a thing. She was sad because you hadn't realized how it hurt her that she wasn't your first choice. She was furious with her siblings for putting her in this place and she was upset with herself for much for you.


"Why him?" she suddenly asked "Why Bruno?"

You blinked confused "Excuse me?"

"Why Bruno?" she repeated "Why did you choose him?"

"Pepa, I don't understand what you're talking about"

"You said we haven't talked in a long time. But you spend too much time with him" she finally looked at you and you could see tears in her eyes "You forgot about me"

"That's not true" you said getting closer to her "I could never"

"Then why him? Why not me?"

You looked directly into her eyes and it was as if your souls were in sync. You were beginning to understand, even if she didn't tell you the exact words, that maybe she felt the same as you.

"How do you love the sun without getting burned?" you murmured

She didn't say anything. She simply looked at you, feeling her lips pulling her to join yours. It was not necessary for her to answer your question, because the moment she kissed you, the sun loved you back.

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