Make me a rainbow

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You jumped when thunder rumbled in the middle of the night, loud enough to make you stand up. You hated storms, you hated rain. Ever since you were little, you couldn't remember a single stormy night when you didn't end up in your mother's arms, crying with fear.

But your mother had been gone for years, you were an adult now, you were married. But the same feeling, the shiver running down your spine, the cold in your limbs, the petrifying terror, were still the same. You felt helpless for being afraid of the rain, but you couldn't help it.

How ironic, right? That you ended up marrying a woman who literally created storms when she was upset. It seemed ridiculous that your wife was Pepa Madrigal, known for controlling the weather with her emotions, and that you were still afraid of storms. You would think that loving her would have done something to help you with your phobia.

But there was a world of difference between your wife's storms and the natural ones.

It was true that the first few times you hadn't differentiated them, but now you knew that Pepa's storms were intense but fast, she rarely made it rain for more than a few minutes. Also, the big difference for you was that Pepa's storms were linked to her emotions, you knew how to handle them.

But you couldn't understand who could be crying for the sky to break naturally, and that terrified you.

You didn't even notice that the woman next to you woke up when you got out of bed. Pepa frowned when she saw you curl up in the corner of the room with your face hidden between your legs and gently rocking yourself.

"Amor?" she asked carefully, getting up and slowly approaching you.

You didn't seem to hear her and her heart broke a little as she saw your fingernails digging into your palms. If she didn't stop you soon you'd probably start bleeding. She wondered for a second what could have made you like this until thunder rumbled loudly outside the window and her own cloud appeared above her head as she jumped in surprise. Oh no.

"Mi amor, hey, it's alright, it's alright" she told you, sitting next to you.

She tried to lift your face up, but you just cried and snuggled deeper into yourself. Pepa had to think fast. Usually, it was you who managed to calm her down, but she knew how afraid you were of storms not caused by her and she loved you, she had to at least try. Images of you whispering nice things to her and stroking her hand gently until she let go of her braid came to her mind.

"Now, now, give me those hands, mi vida" she whispered, rubbing your knuckles with her thumbs "come on, look at me"

In the midst of the fog that enveloped your mind, you managed to recognize the warmth of your wife's voice and slowly raised your face. It didn't take much effort for you to lose yourself in the beautiful warm forest of her eyes.

"Clear skies, love, clear skies" she told you, using her own mantra to calm you down.

She took your hands and carefully made you undo your fists, lacing her fingers with yours to prevent you from hurting yourself. She breathed with you and kept repeating her mantra under her breath until your breaths were in sync and you could find your voice.

"I'm sorry" you murmured "I-I didn't want to wake you up"

"Shhh, it's alright honey" she smiled at you "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere" she promised you, pulling you into a hug.

You wasted no time to hide your face in her neck, your nose inhaling her aroma of coffee and honey, which helped you finish calming down. You didn't like being emotional or weak, but hiding in Pepa's arms felt so good.

"Thank you" you said, lifting your head to meet her eyes.

The rain was still pouring outside, but you couldn't hear it, too lost in the feeling of being with her, safe in her warm embrace.

"It's nothing" she smiled at you "I love you"

"I love you too"

The redhead gave you another small smile before leaning down to capture your lips. You closed your eyes to savor her heady taste and the feel of her soft yet insistent lips on yours. Kissing your wife was always an adventure in itself.

You looked over your head as you parted ways and couldn't help but giggle.

"This is my favorite part" you said "when you make me a rainbow"

Pepa looked at you confused before noticing the great rainbow that came from her head and filled the whole room. She blushed a little but she laughed with you. You rested your head on her shoulder again and enjoyed the feel of her hands tracing circles on your back.

You two stayed like that for a long time until you got up and pulled her back to bed, snuggling into her chest.

"I really appreciate having you in my life, Pepa Madrigal"

"That's good to know, because you won't get rid of me easily, Y/N Y/L/N"

You laughed and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before tangling your fingers with hers, rubbing your thumb against her knuckles as she had done to calm you down.

"You did wonderful, mi amor" you said "but...can I ask you something?"

"Of course"

"You know I respect your emotions and love what they bring but...why didn't you just stop the rain?"

Your wife was suddenly still, unnaturally silent. You raised your head to look at her and the room quickly filled with mist as Pepa's face turned tomato red. She had been so busy thinking of how to help you and make you feel safe that she completely forgot that she could, in fact, control the weather.

You laughed softly and kissed her cheek, making her blush more.

"You're adorable"

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