The one (F!Reader)

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Pepa felt her pulse quicken when she saw you approach her with that smile that always made her legs weak and your basket full of paintings gently swaying as you walked. She could look at you all day and she would never get tired, you were just beautiful.

"Hola Pepa" you greeted politely "how are you today?"

"Well, the sky is clear, so..." she shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.

"That doesn't mean you're okay" you gently reminded her "besides, there's a bit of fog around you too, so..."

You laughed softly as she blushed and the mist grew slightly thicker. You loved teasing her, the redhead was always adorable when she got flustered and it made you feel slightly powerful knowing you made her feel that way.

It was no secret to any of your friends or siblings that you were hopelessly in love with the Madrigal middle triplet. You had been since you were 16 and she was a year above you in school. Now at your 22, the feelings that she provoked in you were still just as intense inside your chest.

But you knew that you couldn't be anything else with her, no matter how nice Pepa was to you, or how many mixed signals she sent you. You were the baker's daughter, the girl who painted murals and paintings from time to time. You didn't have fame or money and you were sure that Alma Madrigal would choose someone much better for her daughter.

After all, the Madrigals were practically royalty and you were lucky you were even allowed to be friends with her, to begin with, you shouldn't be greedy. So you were happy to joke around with her from time to time as friends did.

"Here, maybe this will help you" you said, taking a small wrapper out of your basket

Pepa took it carefully and couldn't help but smile gently when she saw that it was a gingerbread cookie. You knew they were her favorites. She thanked you quietly, the mist finally dissipating.

This was one of her favorite things about you, the power you had to make her feel better with the smallest gestures, no matter what. Sometimes you would give her bread and cookies, sometimes you would give her some little painted rocks, it didn't matter, she loved everything and it always made her feel better because it was a sign that you thought of her, even in your daily tasks.

The redhead didn't want to be selfish, but a part of her wanted to believe that you could feel the same way she did, that you could love her as much as she loved you. She knew that you probably didn't like women and that if she said something she could end her friendship with you, but one could dream, right?

"I have to go" you said suddenly

"So soon?" she asked disappointed

"I have to cover my brother at the bakery...but I wanted to see you even for a moment"

You smiled at her and, in a moment of bravery, stood on tiptoe to plant a soft kiss on her cheek, before saying goodbye and running out of there, not letting her react at all.

Pepa stayed there, with her hand on her cheek, watching you until you disappeared from her sight. She needed to talk to someone about the explosion of heat in her chest. There was only one person to whom she had confessed her true feelings for you: her best friend Felix. So she ran to find him.


"But what if she rejects me?"

"She won't, Pepita. I've seen how she looks at you."

Felix tried to keep from rolling his eyes as his best friend continued to dig a ditch in his yard as she paced back and forth, tugging at her braid nervously. After that kiss on her cheek a few days ago, Pepa had made up her mind.

Pepa Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now