20) Wawanakwa Gone Wild

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Cer's Pov - DJ Eliminated
I sighed as I walked out of the bathroom. It was around 6 in the morning and I was awake. Are you honestly surprised?

I had been up all night long. I tried going to sleep a few times but (as usual) it didn't work. Now, here I was...up at 6 a.m...again.

I stepped out of the shower and changed. I did my usual routine before fixing my hair and outfit in the mirror. Then, I made my way to my cabin.

I put my stuff away before grabbing my speaker and MP3 player

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I put my stuff away before grabbing my speaker and MP3 player. Afterwards, I walked outside and headed to the docks.

I turned my speaker on and shuffled my playlist as I sat down. Duncan, who had been waiting for me to come back, laid his head on my lap and sighed.

"You look like death," he smirked, staring up at me and noticing my eye bags.

They had gotten darker and a bit deeper due to my lack of sleep. Normally, they weren't that obvious. Like they're there but you can't see them from afar.

But my sleep schedule had gotten a lot worse...clearly.

It was to the point where I only slept like two or three hours a day. I don't know if it's because of those stupid nightmares or because my body wouldn't let me sleep.

I've, honestly, stopped caring about the why.

"You're one to talk," I replied, rolling my eyes.

Duncan had also developed pretty noticeable eye bags. For the past week or so, he's been staying up with me doing random things.

I've asked him a few times why he does this and he always replies with, "I have nothing better to do."

I can't really complain, though. Having someone to stay up with is pretty nice. It's a huge step up from me talking to myself at ungodly hours of the night.

"Mine make me look hot," he shrugged.

"Whoever told you that lied..."

"You told me that."

"Well...I'm a known liar. I thought you knew this," I smirked.

"I don't know why I even try with you."

"It's not like you have anything better to do," I mocked.

"You think you're so funny, huh?"

"I think I'm hilarious."

"You're really not."

"My jokes make me laugh and that's all that matters."

"Sure, sure, sunshine."

The rest of the morning was pretty quiet. Duncan had fallen asleep while I decided to stay up and watch the sun rise.

Guessing he didn't get any sleep yesterday.

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