No Regrets

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1:37am. It was the night after her sister Faith's wedding. The night she had met Christopher Marino. It was the middle of the night. Andrea couldn't fall asleep. She had been thinking about Christopher and how he kissed her. Andrea was mesmerized by Christopher. She was mesmerized by his brown hair,deep dark brown eyes, his tattoos, his muscles and his figure. He was perfect, a little too perfect. What was he hiding? No one can be that perfect and successful at the same time thought Andrea. "You know what it's late I'm just overthinking it's fine." Said Andrea. At least she thought it was just that but little did she know. Andrea had finally fallen asleep. A few hours had passed and Andrea had gotten some rest. It was now 7:34am. Andrea woke up and went to the bathroom. The scratch on Andrea's leg was hurting. But she didn't think much of it. So Andrea got ready as she normally would. She brushed her teeth, tied her hair in a ponytail, got changed in some yoga pants and a sweater and went on a run. 42 minutes later. Andrea came home and showered. Andrea was getting ready to meet up with Christopher for lunch. Andrea curled her hair, put on a short white dress, some jewelry and some perfume. Andrea grabbed her purse and walked out the door. Andrea drove to the restaurant that she was meeting Christopher at. She walked in. "Hi I have a reservation-" Said Andrea but she was cut off by a man's voice. "Darling over here. She's with me." Said Christopher while waving at Andrea. Andrea walked over to Christopher. "You know I could have handled that myself." Said Andrea. " I know Andrea. Said Christopher. Andrea sat down. Andrea and Christopher ordered some drinks and appetizers. "Ow" mumbled Andrea. "Andrea what's wrong?" Said Christopher. "Nothing just my leg it really hurts-" Said Andrea. Andrea touched her leg. "Chris-Christopher my leg.. it's um bleeding." Said Andrea. You could hear the fear and panic in her voice. Christopher knew Andrea was nervous. "Darling, don't worry I've got you." Said Christopher. Christopher picked Andrea up and carried her out of the restaurant. Christopher drove Andrea to the hospital. The nurses cleaned and wrapped up Andrea's leg. Andrea also had a sprained ankle. Which in this case she needed a cast. The whole time Christopher stayed by Andrea's side holding her hand. Andrea woke up.
"Chris I- " Said Andrea. "Shh it's ok, I'm here Mi Amore." Said Christopher. "I'm gonna say this and I want you to be as calm as possible. You sprained your ankle so you need a cast. So no working for a few weeks." Said Christopher. "But-" Said Andrea. "No buts Andrea. I love you." Said Christopher. "I love you too." Said Andrea. Andrea and Christopher were holding hands. Christopher leaned in and kissed Andrea. Shortly after, Andrea signed some papers. "Here let me." Said Christopher. He put on Andrea's coat and grabbed her purse. Christopher pushed Andrea's wheelchair to the car. "Thank you. You really don't have to do this." Said Andrea. " Yes I do." Said Christopher. Andrea and Christopher got into the car and started driving back to Andrea's house. Andrea and Christopher arrived at the house. "Mama! Papa! I'm home." Said Andrea.    "Andrea is Christopher still coming? I know he's working-" Said Marie. Marie stood frozen and was lost for words. "Andrea what happened to your leg ? Is this from the scratch on your leg?" Said Marie. "Mama I'm fine. My leg was hurting and started bleeding and turns out I had a sprained ankle too but I'm ok. Christopher took care of me." Said Andrea. "Oh Andrea come here." Said Marie. Andrea and her mother hugged. "Marie it's nice to see you again. How are you?" Said Christopher. "I'm good thank you. How are you?" Said Marie. "I'm good thanks. I'm sorry is Giuseppe here?" Asked Christopher. "At the moment no, he's working but he should be home very soon." Said Marie. "Mama what's for dinner?" Said Andrea. " I made you and your fathers favorite! Steak, garlic bread and steamed veggies." Said Marie. "Thank you mama!" Replied Andrea she continued to give her mother a kiss. Christopher helped Andrea walk up the stairs. "I can tell my parents already like you." Said Andrea. " I mean our parents are best friends and they have known me since I was little." Said Christopher. "True." Said Andrea.  Andrea and Christopher were laughing. Andrea and Christopher were lying on her bed. Andrea and Christopher were looking at each other and the eye contact was intense.  This relationship has passion I can feel it. Thought Andrea and Christopher. "No Regrets" Said Andrea. "No Regrets" Said Christopher. Christopher kissed Andrea. Christopher kissed Andrea and felt her soft lips while stroking her long silky brown hair. " I don't regret meeting you" Said Andrea. "I love you Andrea Ferrari." Said Christopher. "I love you Christopher Marino." Said Andrea. "Dinner !" Said Marie. Christopher and Andrea walked down the stairs. "Hey sweetheart I heard what happened are you alright?" Said Giuseppe. "Yes papa, I'm alright." Said Andrea. Giuseppe hugged Andrea. Everyone sat down for dinner. At this family dinner was Marie,Giuseppe,Jacob and his girlfriend Jenna, Marcus and his wife Maya, Andrea and Christopher and Alexis. Everyone started eating. "So Ali how was your day at school?" Said Andrea. "Pretty good. I had two tests today and hanged out with my friends."Said Alexis. " How was your day?" Asked Alexis. "It was ok. I went on a run, did some work. Had part of a lunch with Christopher and then went to the hospital." Said Andrea. "Mhm this steak is delicious mama." Said Andrea. "Honey you have outdone yourself again it's delicious." Said Giuseppe. "Thank you." Said Marie. For the rest of the dinner everyone was talking and having a good time. "Thank you mama and papa for dinner it was amazing." Said Andrea. Two hours later... " My gosh this dinner was delicious but I am so full." Said Andrea. "Me too." Said Christopher. Andrea and Christopher went upstairs. Andrea and Christopher brushed their teeth and changed into their pajamas. They both sat on the bed. Andrea was finishing some emails. "Babe you can finish it tomorrow just rest." Said Christopher. "Ok fine.. but are you sure I can't finish?." Said Andrea. They both started laughing. Andrea and Christopher were watching tv for the rest of the night. "Andrea?" Said Christopher. He got no answer. Then he looked over and saw that Andrea fell sleep on his shoulder. "Goodnight Andrea love you." Said Christopher. Christopher was about to go to bed before he got a phone call. "Hello?" Said Christopher. "No I don't care." Said Christopher. "Stop calling this number and if you keep calling I'll kill you." Said Christopher. He hung up. Andrea had woken up from Christopher yelling but little did he know she was awake and heard the whole conversation. Soon after everyone had fallen asleep.

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