The One

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Shortly after, Andrea and Alexis arrived at the reception hall.  Andrea walked to her table. As she was walking to her table she read the sign on her family's table -Ferrari Family-. She saw her mother Marie. "Andrea what happened to your leg?" Said her mother.  The only thing going through Andrea's mind was fear. "Nothing mama I slipped out of bed and cut my leg on some wood." Said Andrea. "Are you sure your ok? You really need to be more careful Andrea." Said her mother.  "Yes mama I'm fine." Said Andrea. Andrea and her family all sat down at their table awaiting for her sister Faith and brother in-law Mike's appearance. " Alright Ladies and Gentlemen it's my great pleasure to introduce you to Mr and Mrs Fields." Said the host. Everyone stood up and started clapping. Even though Faith was Andrea's older sister Andrea was so happy for her sister. Andrea was filled with love and knew that her sister deserves happiness. Faith came up to her mother,father and all her brothers and sisters including Andrea.
"You all made it!!" Said Faith. "Of course how could we miss it ?" Said Andrea. Faith looked at Andrea. Andrea was so nervous of what her older sister would say or do to her for being late. But, Faith walked up to Andrea and gave her a hug. Andrea was filled with relief. "Alright are we gonna keep standing here or get this party started ?" Said Andrea. Everyone started laughing. Mike came up to his new family. He shook their hands and gave them hugs. "Welcome to the family Mike." Said Andrea. "Thanks" Said Mike. They hugged. Mike walked up to Giuseppe. Mike shook his hand and said "Thank you sir." Giuseppe said "I'm glad to have you in the family but, if you ever hurt my daughter I'll kill you." "Understood sir." Said Mike.  Everyone went back to their families tables. All the food started coming out. There was pasta, pizza, fried and grilled calamari, steak and much more. Everyone was enjoying themselves. "Ok everybody please join the bride and groom on the dance floor." Said the host. Everyone walked on the dance floor. The host started playing music and everyone was having a good time. Andrea was dancing near her sister Alexis. Then a slow song came on. "That's my cue to leave" Said Andrea.
A strange handsome mysterious man pulled Andrea's arm and twirled her into his arms. "Woah that was impressive" Said Andrea. "You think?" Said the strange mysterious man.
"I-I'm sorry who are you?" Said Andrea. "The best man" Said the strange mysterious man.
"Yes I know I saw you taking pictures but, I meant who are you?" Said Andrea. "Christopher. Christopher Marino. And you are gorgeous?" Said Christopher. "Andrea Ferrari" Said Andrea. "It's nice to meet you" Said Andrea. "My pleasure" Said Christopher. "Your pretty good at dancing" Said Christopher. " Your not too bad yourself." Said Andrea. In these moments Andrea's heart was racing. She thought this man seems to good to be true. To handsome. To mysterious. To perfect. Thought Andrea. For the rest of the night Andrea and Christopher danced together. Then finally the cake came out. Andrea and Christopher went back to their families tables and ate dessert. Faith Andrea's older sister walked up to her. "I see you were dancing with Christopher. You too look hot together." Said Faith. "Faith please, he pulled me in while I was dancing . He was just being nice and we were keeping each other company it's not a big deal." Said Andrea. "Mhm if you say so." Said Faith. "Whatever Faith I can't do this right now." Said Andrea. Andrea walked away. Andrea grabbed her coat and went outside. Andrea sat on the cold curb. Andrea heard a voice behind her. "Why so blue, is my dancing that bad?" Said Christopher. Andrea laughed. "No, it's just family stuff. Don't worry about it. I just needed some fresh air." Said Andrea. "Well I'm here for you." Said Christopher while touching her arm. Andrea looked into his deep dark brown eyes with love. "Thank you" Andrea replied. At this moment Christopher and Andrea were looking deep into each other's eyes. There was love in the air and clearly both of them could feel it. Christopher kissed Andrea. Christopher really loved Andrea and was crazy about her from the beginning. He was mesmerized by her gorgeous brown eyes. Her long brown hair that looked like silk. Her body that was shaped like an hour glass and her lips, gosh those lips. From the beginning he wanted to kiss her and claim Andrea for himself because he knew in his heart that she was special and he would never find a women like her again. While kissing Christopher Andrea felt passion in his kiss. She knew he was one of a kind and would never find a man like him again. Andrea and Christopher were kissing on the curb. This kiss between Andrea and Christopher started getting more intense. Andrea pulled away. As Andrea pulled away she looked at the sky that was filled with stars. "Damn your beautiful" Said Christopher.  Andrea looked back at Christopher. "Just shut up and kiss me." Andrea pulled in and Christopher started kissing Andrea even more. "Well that was interesting" Said Andrea. Christopher looked at Andrea and Andrea looked back at Christopher. Both of them started laughing hysterically. Andrea and Christopher stayed outside for another 20 minutes talking and getting to know each other better. Andrea and Christopher were laughing and then got interrupted by Alexis. Andrea's younger sister. "Andrea mama said we're taking pictures you need to come in-" Said Alexis. "Sorry I didn't realize I interrupted something" Said Alexis. "It's fine tell mama I'm coming inside now" Said Andrea. "Ok sorry again." Said Alexis. Christopher gave Andrea one last kiss before going inside. "I will see you inside Mi Amore." Said Christopher. "Ciao" Said Andrea. Andrea walked inside. "Andrea togliti il cappotto! Stiamo facendo delle foto ora." Said Marie, Andrea's mother. "Ok sorry mama I just needed some fresh air" Said Andrea. " Ok everyone ready? 1,2,3 smile!" Said the host.  After a bunch of pictures were taken of the family. It was getting late and people were starting to leave. Andrea and Alexis were helping Faith. Marie, Giuseppe,Marcus and Jacob were all cleaning up the reception. "Ok now the cleaning staff can finish the rest let's go home and help your sister pack!" Said Marie to all her children. Andrea had some wine so she didn't drive home. Andrea's older brother Jacob which she was very close with drove her back to her house were she lived with her parents and siblings. Alexis and Marcus drove with Marie and Giuseppe back home. And of course Faith drove with Mike. Once everyone arrived home they all went to their rooms to change. Andrea changed into some Nike sweatpants and had a UCLA crew neck on with her glasses on. "Kids come down!" Said Marie. Marie put some pastries on the table from earlier that day if anyone was hungry.  Everyone was at the table talking but Andrea and Alexis were helping Faith pack for her honeymoon because she's leaving the next morning. "Hey Andrea can you pass me that bag over there ?" Said Faith. "Sure" Said Andrea. "Andrea who was that guy you were outside with ?" Said Alexis. "Christopher? He's a friend of my mine a new friend actually." Said Andrea. "So I see things are smooth between you too. Did you guys kiss?" Asked Faith. "Me and him are getting to know each other and yes we did." Said Andrea. "Oh my gosh !!" Said Alexis and Faith. "Shhh! Don't tell mama or papa yet ok? I don't know if he's the right one." Said Andrea. "Oh trust me he is. He's my husbands best friend." Said Faith. All of them started laughing. Andrea,Faith and Alexis all went downstairs and sat with their family at the table. For the rest of the night the Ferrari Family spent time together before Faith and Mike were leaving for their honeymoon. Shortly After, a car came to pick up Faith and Mike from the house. " Just like that 2 kids married.. 3 more to go." Said Giuseppe to Marie. At this point it was 3:24am. Everyone was asleep in the Ferrari house.

How could I forget ?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora