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When they arrived at the hospital, they were both put on a drip to hydrate them and were given an oxygen mask each. They were both sat in the same room on the same bed as the unit gathered around.

"You guys okay?" Asked Hank.

"Yeah. Did you get the bags?" Asked Jordan.

"Yeah. They're at the other apartment."

"Thanks." Replied Jordan to Antonio.

"What's so important about the bags?"

"They just have some photos in them."

"Okay. Well get some rest, we'll pick you up later and drop you back home."

"We're on the same bed, how are we supposed to get rest?" Asked Kelly

"Just sit and don't stand up for a bit." Laughed Kevin.

The next few days had been running smoothly, too smoothly.

"So, when do you think mad man will strike again?" Asked Adam as Jordan walked out of the breakroom with two cups of coffee.

She gave one coffee to Jay and then sat down at her own desk with hers.

"Don't know." Answered Jordan.

"Maybe he's just decided to leave it." Suggested Kevin.

"He hasn't left it." Said Hank as he walked out of his office.

"What?" Asked Jay.

"There's a hostage situation at med."

"Gear up!" Shouted Antonio.

Everyone ran down to their cars and geared up with their guns and vests. Jay got in Jordan's car and they all sped off, following Hank to the hospital.

When they arrived, 51 was outside for some strange reason and Casey was arguing with some police chief.

"Hank, thank you for coming. Could you please escort this man away from me?" Asked the guy.

"Hey, Greenwood." Said Jordan as she hopped out of the car.

"Hernandez and Halstead. Sorry we couldn't meet on better circumstances."

"Yeah I know." Said Jordan.

"So, what's 51 doing here?" Asked Jay.

"Some of their paramedics are stuck inside."

"I'll get Casey and calm him down." Said Jordan as she jogged over to where Casey was arguing with a police chief.

"I'll take over, yeah?" Asked Hank.

"Yes please, Sargent."

"Come on, Casey. We all want to get in there but shouting at police chiefs isn't going to do anything." Said Jordan.

"Listen up!" Shouted Hank. "No one goes into the building until we have a view of what we're dealing with and how many suspects there are!"

"So we're just supposed to stand around and hope no one dies!" Shouted Casey.

"We will plan everything out, okay? We just need time."

*Jay's Pov*

It had been around half an hour since we had arrived an we hadn't made it very far into our plan. Jordan stole one of the blue prints of the hospital and hid behind a car. I stood close, listening in on what she was saying.

"What are you doing?" Asked Molly as she took a seat beside her.


"Come on. You can tell me."

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