Zoe's First Day

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*Will's Pov*

"Get ready for a busy day!" Shouted Maggie.

"You ready?" I asked as I handed Zoe a coffee.

"Oh yeah. I've always been ready."


"Yeah. I think it's the excitement of the blood."

"You sound like a psychopath."

"Take after my sister." Laughed Zoe.

"Dr Halstead, Dr Hernandez. You're up!" Shouted Maggie.

As we approach the door, two people were wheeled in, one female and one male.

"What have we got?" Asked Zoey.

"Female, Lily Perez, 34. GSW to the upper leg and shoulder."

"Did you say Lily Perez?"

"Yes they said Lily Perez, Will." Said Cassie as she looked at me.

"The male is James Wilson."

"What are his injuries?"

"3 GSWs. One to the shoulder, abdomen and chest."

"We will try our best." Smiled Zoe at Cassie.

"How do you guys know each other?" Asked Maggie.

"I need a ECG, CCG, MRI. Cassie was Jay's and Jordan's Sargent in the rangers." I said.

"James and Lily were on their team and they are all a big bundle of friends." Said Zoe annoyed.

Zoe wanted to focus on saving Lily instead of chatting so she just kept her head down and got to work.

"Someone page Dr Marcel. She needs surgery now."

"No, James needs surgery." I said.

"I called it first." Said Zoe.

"Yeah but James has more extensive injuries."

"But the chance of survival is in Lily's favour."

"Hey! Choi will take James with the help of Will and Zoe take Lily up to Dr Marcel." Shouted Maggie.

"I'll call Jay if Maggie you can call Jordan." Said Cassie.

"Of course." Said Maggie.

*Antonio's Pov*

"You two are on lunch duty." Adam said as Jordan and I walked up the steps the next morning with coffee.

"Okay. First of all, we've only just got in and second, it's the morning not lunchtime." Said Jordan.

"We have a new case." Said Hank as he walked in.

"You sure you should be in?" Asked Kevin.

"It's been three days. I'm fine."

"How's Zoe finding the hospital?" Asked Jay.

"Yeah she's liking it so far. She's on shift with Will today because he was hopping on ambos the other day." Said Jordan as she took a seat.

"What's the case?" I asked.

"There was multiple gunshots at a tap out ceremony today."

"Woah, some of the rangers were apart of that."

"A few people were shot and were off to med. We don't know who yet but we need to question some people and find out what they saw."

Jay and Jordan had been trying to get a hold of there old Sargents all morning but no one was answering.

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