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*Antonio's Pov*

"What else do you need, Antonio?" Alex asked as we entered her room.

"Did Mark ever mention someone called Jane?" I asked.

"Yeah. He said that he loved her but when he returned from deployment, she was engaged to this guy called Anthony Bales."

"Thank you. That helps a lot." Said Adam.

"Anything for you detectives." Alex said.

"What did you find out?" Asked Hank as we walked into the bullpen.

"I think our next target is Anthony Bales, engaged to Jane Mills, who was Mark's lover before he was deployed."

"You're correct, Antonio. We just got a call from Jane, her husband has been taken."

We all suited up and drove to Jane's house. When we got there, there was blood all over the floor and any photo frame with Jane was smashed.

"Please, you have to find him." Begged Jane.

"We will do our best." Said Hank.

"Jay said he knows a place where Mark may have taken Anthony."

"Why are you talking to him about the case?" Asked Adam.

"Because I've done both of my therapy sessions." Said Jay as he walked in.

"Okay, so where's this location?" Asked Hank.

"Mark said he always wanted to get married in this church downtown, it's now closed."

"Let's go." Said Hank.

We approached carefully with our guns held high. Hank held his hand up to silence us and tell us to stop moving.

"You took the love of my life!" Shouted Mark.

"No I didn't! She told me she loved me. She made the first move!" Shouted Anthony.

We watched as Mark punched Anthony in the ribs and then knocked him out with his gun.

We arrested Mark and he was off to state to await trial as Kevin went to the the hospital and told Lily, while Kim went and told Maria that the case had ended.

When we finally closed the case, it was late so we all headed home and said we would see each other tomorrow.

"Good work today guys." Said Hank as we all said goodbye.

*No One's Pov*

"So, what are we talking about today?" Jordan asked.

"Whatever you want."

"I don't know. You can choose."

"How about Zoe?" Said Alex.


"I've heard a few things about you protecting her. Do you find she is safe in this job?"

"Yeah, it's a lot safer than mine. Well unless they get a bomb stuck in someone's body."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You know like Grey's Anatomy. Meredith puts her hand inside a person's body to stop the bomb from moving too much and exploding."

"I don't think being a doctor is that crazy."

"Yeah but my sister would be Meredith in that situation. She would put her own life at risk to save everyone else."

"To me, that sounds like you. You said you would protect her even if it cost you your life. You served as a Ranger, you protected others."

"I can't protect everyone though."

"Are you talking about Shay or James?"


"You sure?"


"Okay. I do want to talk about Shay though."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I want you to describe when you found out Shay had passed. Only if your comfortable though."

"Um. Okay."

"Start whenever you are ready."

"Okay. I was at the hospital already because we had dropped a gunshot victim off that was being attacked by a gang. I saw Kelly and Dawson wheel in a body but there was no rush. I was looking for Shay but couldn't see her and then I stopped Kelly."

*2 years ago*

"Kelly, where's Shay?" Jordan asked as she ran up to him.

"I'm so sorry."

"We couldn't save her." Said Gabby as she broke down into tears.

"W-what do you mean?" Jordan asked as Kelly looked at the gurney that was being wheeled towards the elevator.

"It's Shay." He said and pointed towards the bed.

Jordan ran over and put her forehead against Shay's as she cried. She hugged her body and cried into her shirt.

"No. Come on Shay. You gotta wake up."

"You can't leave me." Jordan cried.

"I'm sorry Jordan. They need to take Shay to the morgue." Said Casey.

"I know it hurts but you need to let go." Said Cruz.

"Give me a minute to hold my girl." Jordan cried.


"Give her a minute to hold our girl." Said Kelly.

Jordan let go of Shay and kissed her forehead and then her hand before 51 escorted Shay and the nurses down to the morgue.

"I'm so sorry, J." Said Kelly as he held Jordan close to his chest.

She soaked his shirt as he held her. Boden held Gabby as she cried while the rest of the team stood in silence.

*The Present*

Jordan was zoned out with tears in her eyes as her phone pinged.

"I've got a case."

"That's okay. I'll let the CPD know that you can go back to work now that you've had your sessions."

"Okay. Thank you." Said Jordan as she got up to leave.

"If you ever want any sessions with me, I'm always here."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Your session doesn't technically finish for another two minutes so while I have you, I want you to do something."

"What is it?" Asked Jordan.

"I want you to go somewhere you and Shay shared or even her grave and sit there for a bit. It can be ten minutes or it can be an hour. I want you to say everything you wanted say to her before she passed."

"I will Doc, thanks."

"Bye, Jordan."

"Bye Alex.

Jordan rushed out of the hospital and then stopped to think for a few minutes. She picked up her phone and called Hank.


Hey, is there any chance I can come in slightly later and you guys can catch me up on the case?

Of course. See you in a bit.


She then texted Jay to let him know that she would be in later and not to worry about her. Jordan left the hospital and drove to the graveyard where Shay was buried.

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