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"Jay, put me down."

"Not until you promise me that you won't attack her."

"I can't promise anything and you know that."

"Jay, put her down!" Shouted Hank.

"Kelly, why is your fist red?" Asked Kim.

"I punched your detective."

"They're not my detectives." Said Hank.

"Thank god because I hate them." Laughed Kelly.

"We have a lead." Said Molly as she walked up the stairs.

"You need a lead?" Asked Kelly as he looked towards me and smiled.

"Bitches need leads." I said.

"You two pack it in! I know you don't want to work together but we need all hands on deck." Shouted Hank

"What's your lead?" Asked Adam.

"Their is a gang called the Latino Lions. They live in the west of Chicago." Explained Molly.

"Alright. Everyone gear up and then we roll out."

"Our car is still at our precinct."

"Halstead, hand over the keys for your car and then you two can go in Jordan's."

*Jay's Pov*

I handed the keys over to Chris and then walked down to the garage to gear up. I helped Jordan put on her vest and then she helped me. She handed me my Shotgun and I gave her the Assault Rifle.

"Everyone Roll out!" Ordered Hank.

"So, this is fun." I said as we got in the car.

"Yeah. You've never sat in my car before, have you?" Jordan replied as she started to drive.

"Nope but if it always has Tequila, I'll happily come more."

"Oh that's not normally in there."

"And the petals?"

"They're from some flowers that I had this morning."

"Something to do with therapy?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Alright. Halstead and Hernandez enter from the back. Dawson, Burgess, Atwater and I will enter from the front. Greenwood one and two will enter from the side door with Ruzek."

Antonio kicked in the door from the front and then Jordan and I entered five seconds afterwards. As we turned the corner into the kitchen, three guys were doing coke.

"Get down on the floor!" Jordan shouted.

They dropped to the floor and Jordan was putting zipties on their hands to stop them from going anywhere. I looked round the corner and saw a gun appear and then the finger on the trigger was pulling back.

I ran over to Jordan and grabbed her waist, pulling her body into mine as the gun went off.

"Stay where you are!" Shouted Antonio as he put a gun to the back of the person's head.

"Don't move!" Shouted Molly from somewhere.

Jordan ran towards the person with the gun and used her mechanical arm to smack the gun out of their hand. She kicked them in the stomach but failed when the person grabbed a hold of Jordan's leg and threw her to the floor.

When I got a closer look, I saw it was Molly, she paused for a moment recognising Jordan before she carried on. Molly went to punch Jordan but she rolled as Molly punched the floor. Jordan turned around and took Molly's legs out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Said Kevin as he pulled Jordan away from Molly.

"I'm sorry Molly. I didn't realise it was you." Said Jordan.

"She attacked you first." Said Antonio.

"Molly you knew it was Jordan and you kept going." I said.

"Why the hell would I shoot at my own team." Argued Molly.

"What ever is going on between you two, sort it out now!" Shouted Hank as officers took the gang members outside.

"She's racist and rude."

"I'm not racist!"

"Then why the hell do you not like Latinos."

"Because Latinos killed our sister!" Shouted Chris.

"What?" Asked Kim.

"We were working undercover with this Latino gang and they kidnapped our sister. They knew we were cops and made us stand there as they shot our sister in the chest."

"She was only 23."

"I have a sister, I know what it's like. I would do anything to protect her. But I can promise you that not all Latinos are bad. They give us a bad reputation." Explained Jordan.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have attacked you." Said Molly.

When we returned to the precinct, Kelly was gone and the gang members were in interrogation rooms, well at least the three we found.

"Where are they?" Hank asked.

"Who?" Replied Mikey, one of the members.

"You know who." I said.

"No one tells me shit."

"You have to know something because you've called your leader three times in the last two hours."

The guy started to laugh and then stopped and smiled at Hank.

"Listen old fella, I don't know what the f-"

Hank punched Mikey a few times before his nose was bleeding.

"Jeez. You're weak." Mikey laughed.

Hank went to swing again but I stepped in his way to stop him.

"I'm the only one stopping him from beating the shit out of you right now. So talk!" I shouted.

"Fine. Fine. Animal Slaughter house on 57th Street." Mikey said.

"Why a Slaughter house?" Asked Hank.

"You can hide bodies in bags."

We all got back into our cars and drove to the location. When we got out, we were parked in a corner out of sight so Hank could go over the plan with us.

"Kepp with the original partners. Stay together and stay quiet. This place is dark so they're probably using torches, we are using night vision goggles."

Jordan and I were walking through the building when she jumped a little as a rat ran past. The place smelt so bad considering it had been shut down for a while. Pipes were dripping water in the corners as the sounds were echoing down the corridor. The floors were red with slight pieces of glitter in them and the walls were a light grey, blueish colour.

We turned the corner and reached rows of racks with bags hangings from them. The bags looked like they were slightly heavy so we approached with caution in case someone jumped out and surprised attacked us. I tapped on two of the bags but no one came out so I slowly unzipped it. Their was a smell that drifted into the air and then I jumped back as I saw a dead pig.

"This is horrible." Whispered Jordan.

When I moved along to the next one, I expected a pig again but boy was I wrong. I saw a face and then a pair of eyes opened. I jumped and Jordan went to scream but I covered her mouth and held her close to my chest.

"Yeah. We won't kill no one. Just scare them for a few days." Said one voice as shadows appeared around the corner.

"What about the teacher?" Said another.

"Get him out the bag and put him with rest of them. I ain't going down for murder."

"Yo the bags unzipped." Said the first guy as the footsteps got louder and heavier as if they were running.

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