"thanks, i appreciate it," eddie joked. "make sure to give my business a good rating, will you? munson's mattresses."

"that's the most uncreative name ever," matilda giggled.

"don't bully me," eddie replied. "your face is dangerously close to my mouth and i will burp."

"you're disgusting," she grimaced, trying to shuffle away from him, but given the small space they were in they couldn't go far.

"get back here," he mumbled, bringing her even closer to his body than she was before, if that was even possible. she smiled, trying to hide her grin in his body but he could tell what she was doing, and he enjoyed it.

they laid in silence for a while, and eddie began gently tracing tillie's exposed arm with his fingertips.

"thank you," she spoke quietly.

"for what?" he hummed.

"everything," she whispered. "literally everything. i don't think you realize how much you've help me over these past few months. i was at my lowest when we first met in that bathroom, and now, whilst i'm obviously still not great, i'm doing a lot better. and i think if i hadn't met you, i would be in an extremely dark place right now. so, thank you."

he moved his chin down, enabling him to plant a kiss to her head. "my pleasure, princess."

they stayed in a comfortable silence for a while, and eddie began to slowly move his touch from her arm to her lower back, which was exposed from her shirt riding up. he gently began tracing on her back, making tillie's entire body heat up.

god, eddie munson. what are you doing to me? she thought.

she felt her eyes beginning to close, but still couldn't rid her mind of one thought. "eddie?"

"yeah?" he mumbled.

"who is it?" she asked.

"i don't know what you're talking about, princess," he said, a light amusement in his tone.

"earlier, when we were outside," she began to explain. "you said you had your eye and someone. but i didn't even realize you liked anyone. who is it?"

"she's a girl," eddie replied.

"wow, very informative," tillie told him. "thank you for that. can't you just give me a name?"

"nope," eddie responded. "but i can tell you about her. i think she's the most beautiful girl in the world. she's really smart and bitchy, but she has a hidden soft side," he smiled, and matilda couldn't help but feel jealous as he described her. "she's also completely oblivious."

"huh," tillie huffed. "i mean, i feel completely oblivious right now. who is she?"

"come on, mattie. you're a smart girl. you'll figure it out," the boy responded. "you just need to be more observant. read between the lines. take note of the little things."

"hm," she wondered. "i'll figure it out while i fall asleep," she said, moving her head so she was more comfortable. "i'll let you know in the morning."

"okay, you do that," he smirked, still tracing her back. "good night, princess."

"good night, eddie," she said gently, closing her eyes.

what she didn't realize as she drifted off to sleep, her mind preoccupied with figuring out eddie's mystery girl, was the words the boy was writing on her back with his fingertips.

it's you.


half naked cuddles before admitting feelings? yes.
is this chapter ridiculously cheesy? yes.

was very tempted to make them kiss in this to celebrate 100k..


also, tysm to everyone reading starcourt too. i won't be updating that as often as i do this book, because matilda is my main focus right now!!

WORD COUNT — 1615.

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