Snuggles & Rude Awakenings (Revin Family)

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(Song Inspo: Pretty Boy- by The Neighbourhood. )

(I have mixed feelings about this one- but I'm content with it, so enjoy the Revin fluff and the little versions of Cosmos and Emilia.)

(YES- this takes place a few years after Ritchie and Devin took Cosmos in- so surprise!)


On that morning, the lovely couple woke up to their little one jumping into bed with them, his hands instantly slapping the previous Guild-leader right in the face- and as he groaned by the painful sensation, it woke up the other.

Groggy, Devin slowly blinked before realizing who the little intruder exactly was.

"Cosmos?" he questioned, his voice drowned in sleep still.

The 8 year old glowed at the sound of his papa noticing him, making him completely forget about the one he had injured. "Devin!" he chirped, scooting over to get right beside him.

"Ah heck.." a grumble came from someone close by, but Devin ignored it and went to sit up, pushing his messy hair out of his face so he could see the child clearly.

Cosmos wasted absolutely no time in jumping off the bed, landing perfectly on his feet and rushing to the side Devin slept on.

He grabbed his arm, tugging. "You said I could play with Emmy today! Hurry now- she's terrible at waiting!" he huffed out, grip still tight.

Devin simply gave the blonde haired one a lazy smile, sighing as he followed along with his instructions. "Okay okay, I'm hurrying-"

After the two spoke more about the play-date er 'hangout session', as Cosmos liked to call it- since play-date sounded too 'childish', they headed downstairs to prepare breakfast.

Devin worked quickly in the kitchen, his hands finding the utensils with ease while he hummed a tune his son was so familiar with, as it was one that he often listened to whenever he had one of his dreams.

While Cosmos quietly kicked his feet from his spot of the couch, his other father had finally got up, making his presence known with his sleep filled voice once he got to the last step at the bottom of the stairs.

"Please tell me today isn't a market day.."

"It isn't." Devin clarified for the Devil Slayer, A clinking noise of plates coming from the area of the kitchen he was in as he spoke. "It is tomorrow though!-"

From the tone of his voice- It was obvious that the imaginative mage was smiling at his partners incredible dislike of the market, but he couldn't blame Ritchie for hating a place that was always so crowded.

The market was where belongings were often stolen, and where small acts of assault took place, so it wasn't an ideal place to bring a child or loved one.

"-and you know you don't have to come along Ritchie-"

"Are you crazy- there's no way I'm leaving you alone there." Ritchie silenced him, a distasteful look on his face as he leaned against the counter right beside his lover.

Devin glanced over at him, a subtle smile on his face as he spoke his next words with warmth. "You are so protective."

Ritchie grinned at that, like he had just been praised.

"What else am I?.. "


"Are you two done yet?" A certain someone spoke up, shattering whatever excitement the two were feeling in an instant when they realized their son was also in the room with them.

Ritchie gave a stretch, and Devin went back to plating their breakfast, still feeling the one they took in some years ago staring right at them.


The crazy haired little girl jumped at the arrival of her best friend, almost tripping when she bolted after him, arms open wide. "Cosmos!!!"

It took just a second for her to trap him in her deathly hug, the one he almost always complained about. "Ugh- too much!" he managed to get out before she let go.

"Oh I'm sorry- I'm just so happy to see you! I-"

She went off on a complete ramble, one that Ritchie and Cosmos were struggling to keep up with despite giving the girl their full attention.

It was a cute sight for Devin to look at from time to time while he conversated with Blake, who was complaining about a growth in the crime here in Atlantide, and about how greatly she wished to be back out doing quests.

The Dragon Slayer missed helping people who desperately needed it, but just helping her daughter with daily tasks seemed to be enough to fill that feeling.

She felt prideful whenever her child radiated with happiness.

"Mama- Cosmos and I are gonna go play in my room!!" the little girl shouted from a distance, holding tight onto Cosmos as she made a run for it. "Bye Mr Devin!! Bye Blue!!-"

No one had the chance to respond because of how quick they had left, but it made them all smile regardless.

Since the kids didn't need them anymore or at the moment though, Devin and Ritchie went on their way after saying goodbye to Blake, heading back to the home they comfortably shared- and once the door behind them shut- Ritchie pounced.

He attacked his lover with a hug, kissing him all over to bring out giggles or gasps from the one he adored so much.

Wiggling out of his grip, Devin only gave a breath before turning around to face the other. 

Ritchie was staring at him with such a familiar look- and Devin knew exactly what he wanted, so he gave him it.

He made sure to open his arms wide, and braced himself for the hug his lover was going to trap him in again. "C'mere.." he mumbled before the Devil Slayer dashed forward.

Ritchie picked the smaller one up in one quick swoop, smiling when Devin made a startled yelp once he realized he was no longer standing.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" The Devil Slayer would question, a hum slipping from him as he hurried to the stairs, carrying the other the whole way to the top.

Devin could only quietly laugh, his words coming out all pitched. "Y-yes?"

Ritchie could've purred at the thought of having a cuddle session with the mage, but instead he kept quiet and leaped into bed with his lover still in his arms, burying his face into the crook of the others neck.

Hushed breaths came from Devin, and his face was decorated with a blush as he wrapped himself around Ritchie, one hand combing through the blue hair while the other was placed carefully on his hip.

No words were exchanged during that time, neither wanted to ruin such a quiet and cozy moment they both so desperately needed.

Once their son decided to return home though- any acts of affection would be put on hold for however long.

They couldn't comfortably hold each other at night since that time was usually spent consoling their son back to sleep, and during the day both were usually busy with their own schedules.

So maybe Cosmos could spend the night.. and leave them to spend proper time with one another like they used to.

'That would be nice.' - they thought.


(Please let me know if any of you would like me to write more one-shots about this family, or about the little trio :') <3)

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