MIA (Revin)

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(Have this as I nap then work ❤💙)

(This is in pov's- so be warned..)

Ritchies POV

It was just another ordinary day at Divinus Magia.

David and Ech were gardening and the others were off to do whatever it was they usually did.


I sighed, preparing myself for whatever it was Inmo had to say. "What?-"

As soon as I turned around he was right there, his face right infront of mine.

So quickly I backed away, startled.

"Personal space Inmo, we talked about this remember-"

"Sorry sir, but I have to tell you something very important" he interrupted, his expression serious.

"Okay? What is it?" I asked.

He stared at me for a few seconds, his mouth opening and closing quickly.

He looked lost so I assumed the worst.

"You forgot didnt you.-"

"SH, let me think.." he argued, thinking as hard as he could.

His expression mentally hurt me, I felt pity.

"Okay..did someone tell you something?" I questioned, wanting to end this conversation so I could hide in my room and drink.

"OH OH, I remember now." He blurted, eager to speak.

"Well?" I asked, annoyed ever so slightly.

"Well what."

"WELL- WHAT IS IT YOU WANTED TO TELL ME!?" I yelled, frustrated with him.

"Oh right, What's his name said that he was leaving."

I clenched my jaw, about to lose it.

"The one that has the weird changing colored eyes and talks differently sometimes" he answered.

My anger disappeared at the thought of the person Inmo had been talking about.

"Devin?, wait what why is he leaving?" I asked, confused.

"Something to do with a quest. He didnt say when he'd be back."

I just stared at Inmo, growing a tad bit worried.

"Alright well I'm gonna go now, LATER SIR RITCHIE!"

I blocked out the sound of his explosions, my mind occupied.


"BROTHER!" I yelled, barging into our office.

I walked in on Brandon in the middle of drinking a glass of water, which he spat out.

He wiped his mouth, coughing. "Ritchie-"

"Did you know that Devin was leaving on a quest?" I interrupted, standing infront of him.

He looked me up and down, annoyed.


"When will he be back-"
I was quickly shut up by him clearing his throat.

I stared at him.

"Relax. Your boyfriend wont be gone for longer than a week." He carefully spoke, organizing the papers he had gotten wet.

"A WEEK?!-"

he glared at me, not wanting to deal with my arguing.

I kept quiet and instead apologized for scaring him.

I found it best to excuse myself and try to find out whatever I could from the others instead, not wanting to upset my brother any more then I already did.


I was playing detective at this point.

"I promised him I'd take care of his garden while he was gone. That's about it boss." He breathed, setting down a heavy pot full of soil.

I sighed, annoyed.

"Well do you know if he said anything to any of the others?" I asked.
He seemed to ignore me, whistling.


"I heard ya, I'm thinking." He interrupted.

A low groan escaped me, my temper running out.

"Jeez, relax will ya? He's capable of taking care of himself." David teased, smirking at me.

I felt myself begin to slowly not care for his words now. "I know that, I'm just worried is all-"

"Oh. so you're the overprotective type huh" he said.

He was just teasing me now, so I turned around and walked off.

"CHECK WITH LUCAS!" he yelled as soon as I had gotten far from him.


If anyone was going to give me any valuable information it would be Lucas, that I was sure of.

I turned the corner to see him alongside Blake and Ech and- instantly I felt relieved.

"Just the person I was looking for!" I called out, happy.

He turned around, facing me with an unsure look.

"Oh, Ritchie? What's up?" he greeted, his hand in Blakes.

"Yes- what brings you to our shop?" Blake interrupted.


She glanced over at Ech who was wearing a small apron, a pan in their hands.


"Well, I came to hopefully get some information from you." I continued.

"And that would be?" Lucas questioned, curious.

"Its been brought to my attention that Devin has gone on a quest, do you know what that said quest is?" I asked, hopeful for an answer.

His expression grew stressed, a sigh coming from him.

"I know that he went out to take down some bad guild for some money he needs." he mumbled.


"Hm.. thanks, did he say anything else?" I questioned.

"Nope, that's all I know." he answered, sighing once more.

I nodded, lost in thought.

A tug on my cloak snapped me out of it though, and I looked down to see Ech holding the pan out to me.

"Want a cookie?.." their voice was quiet, yet very polite.

I smiled briefly before nodding in response, thanking them.


The rest of the evening I laid in bed, worrying.

There really was no need for me to freak out like this but it was only natural- I mean we had just begun to date not even a month ago.

I felt stupid for worrying, Devin was more than capable of handling himself, besides Eden was there to not let him get hurt or ..worse.

I rolled over, getting a clear view of the window.

The sun had already set, and it was dark outside.

This would be the first night I'd actually be apart from him.

Sulking basically, I buried my face into my pillow and closed my eyes, my mind wandering.

What was he thinking right now?..


(Please- this is such an old draft of mine.. so I apologize for any mess ups on grammar or punctuation.)

(Part 2 will be up when I wake up. 🧡)

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