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Anna's POV
I walked into their house which was pretty decent for a two house. It was a two story as I was immediately entered into a living room.

"Alex is upstairs doing homework. What do you want for dinner?" She asked.

"Oh Uh... whatever you cook. Or we can do doordash?" I asked.

"On me?" I added.

"OH MY GOD SHES AT OUR HOUSE RIGHT NOW!" I heard a scream seeing Alexandra at the top of stairs.

"THIS IS ANNA SHUMATE!" She yelled pointing the phone at me.

"Alex. You can't post that. Private it I don't care but keep it out of public seeing." I heard Allison say as I walk in the kitchen.

"You know what... door dash sounds good right now. But I can pay for mine and obviously Alex can pay for hers too." She said shutting her pantry door.

"No it's okay. I can just door dash on my credit card." I said pulling the door dash app up.

"Are you sure? You want me to pay you back?" She asked me and I shook my head no.

"What do you guys want?" I asked.

"How about... Canes?" She suggested and I nodded giving her my phone to put her order in.

"Just give me chicken and leave me fries!!" Alex yelled from her room.

"Ugh... ill just get her a small drink too." She mumbled.

"No no! Get her a large I don't care. It's on me anyway." I said.

"No it's okay. Plus it would be a waste of money and she barely drinks her drinks anyway." She said.

She's so focused on her order and it's kinda cute. I wonder... what else she likes to do in her hobbies.

"Anna? Hello?" I heard zoning back in as she looked at me.

"Oh. Your done?" I asked her and she nodded handing me my phone as I did my order.

We both sat on the couch as we let the silence fill us. It was a weird but yet comfortable silence.

We both jumped at the door bell ring as Allison got up to go answer it.

"Order for Anna Shumate?" He asked as I popped up.

"That's me." I said walking next to Allison who got the food as I paid the guy off with a 5$ tip.

"Mm... smells delicious." Allison whispered.

"ALEX!" She yelled as she came down the stairs.

As we all got the food, Alex went back upstairs and me and Allison stayed in the living room.

"This is really good." She mumbled eating.

"Good." I said as she gave me the remotes.

"Choose any show / movie you want." she said.

"Oh... what about pitch perfect. Or you know what Ice Age? I love Sid." I said and she smiled.

"Your choice. Do you want a drink?" She asked me.

"We got Red Bull, sprite, and Dr. pepper. Or if you want water too." She said getting up.

"Redbull works." I mumbled as I looked through the ice ages.

She came back with two Red Bulls. One for me and one for her. As well as starting the movie.


"I can take yours too." She said as I gave her mine to go throw away in the trash after I was done eating.

We had finished ice age off and we're just making a conversation. Somehow that from Sabertooths extinction too... politics... to sex.

"Okay well... if a girl sits on your lap would it consider turn on sexually or non-sexually."she said.

"Depends... on what kind of mood I'm in." I responded.

All the sudden she moved across and sat on my lap. I froze up feeling my entire face go tomato on me.

"What kind of mood are you currently in?" She whispered.

"I-.. uhm..." I mumbled with my head going blank out of words.

I looked everywhere except her. But I felt her move my face to look at hers by my chin.

"Oh... you get really flustered." She said.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"You can't even look at me." I could hear it in her voice.

"Mhmm... I bet you don't even have the balls to kiss." She said leaning back.

"Really..." I asked and she nodded.

Putting my hands on her lower back before pushing her forward to me with a yelp landing her on my lips.

"Ha liar." I said with it being muffled by her lips.

The kiss didn't stop there though it continued with her sticking her tongue in my mouth. She also bit my bottom lip lightly  and pulling away as I was really surprised.

She leaned back before putting her thumb on my lip and pulling down my bottom lip.

"I think we got our answer." She said.

She tried getting up when I didn't want her too. I gripped her thighs as she looked at me.

"You want me to stay?" She mumbled and I nodded.

She rested against me, putting her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arms around my neck.

I wrapped my arms around her lower back as is scooted her up more on my lap. We put the foot seat up as she cuddled more into my shoulder.

She slowly fell asleep as I just looked at the tv that was still going.

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