A New Plan

12 1 0

San Francisco Mall

Bell, Brooke, and Margot made their trek up to the roof after grabbing many different items from Bell's science book. They had stopped in different stores, cautiously grabbing a few chemicals from Nail Salons and some laces for tying things from shoe stores.

[Author's Note: Okay so I do not know how to make an explosive, which is why I'm being very vague with descriptions. I would look up a how to on google in order to make the story more descriptive but I definitely think that it's not the sort of thing I should be looking up. Anyway, sorry about that!]

The trio opens the heavy door to the roof and they all cautiously step outside. A light breeze blows their hair around a bit, but other than that everything was fine. No sign of any ships at the moment.

"Okay, we need to do this fast. At this point, Marcus and Jett are waiting for us to draw those nasty things away." Bell sets her bag of supplies on the ground and immediately starts crafting.

"I hope Marcus- I hope they're okay." Margot stammers. Brooke rolls her eyes. "Again with this? I thought you got over him?"

"Trying. I said I would try to. That doesn't make it easier." The blonde huffs as the two sit down next to Bell. The techy teen begins to pour a few liquids here and there.

"I don't get how you can have a crush on someone you barely know. I mean you never talked to him during school. Not that I noticed or anything." Brooke runs her hands through her hair, confused at how fast Bell was going.

"Romantic stolen glances in the hallway." Margot swoons while draping her hand across her forehead with a smile.

"Isn't every glance with that guy a stolen glance? Not that I have a thing for him or anything, but I will admit he's attractive. Maybe that's what you saw. His good looks." Bell shrugs with a grin before wiping sweat from her forehead.

"Is there anything other than these said stolen glances that you actually like about him? Personality?" Brooke questions as she hands Bell a few items.

The talented blonde shrugs. "Yeah, of course. I mean he's pretty nice for one of the popular kids. He's really taken charge too. Like whenever one of us is acting odd, he makes an effort to talk to us. That's usually Jett though. He seems to freak out a bunch. Or just trying to be closer with us even though he probably wouldn't associate with us in school. I know it's been Jett more so for some reason but-"

Margot seems to cut herself off, just staring in awe at nothing in particular. Brooke and Bell raise a brow in confusion. "Margot?"

"Oh fuck. He does like him, doesn't he?" She blinks. The other two girls just look to each other before bursting out laughing. "Well no shit. We already went over this." Bell laughs and turns back to her explosive.

"Yeah but I didn't actually believe you." The blonde whines and falls on her back in annoyance. Brooke smiles before sitting her back up. "C'mon, cheer up. Let's focus on getting this thing done."

Bell stands up and dusts of her hands. "Actually, we're all set. Let's light her up."

The other two girls blink in shock about how fast the explosive was assembled. "Bell? How do we get down after we light it?"

"It takes a good fifteen seconds to actually go off. We'll just need to head back down to the mall as quickly as possible and sneak back out that back door. Easy peasy."

Margot lets out an audible gulp as Bell plays with her lighter a bit. "Stand by the door and be ready for us to run." Bell lets out a shaky breath. The two nod and walk over to the door, opening it.

Bell leans down and lights the explosive before the three girls book it through the door. They don't even talk. They just sprint.

After about thirty seconds, the girls almost make it back down to the main mall area. But... they hadn't heard an explosion.

"Shit. Did it not go off?" Brooke huffs as the girls stop running. "I... I guess so. I probably just made it wrong. But we need to make a distraction now." Bell panics.

The girls begin to converse before Margot clears her throat, catching their attention. "What about that?"

Both girls give confused looks before glancing over to where the blonde was pointing. Radio Shack. "If we can hook up a speaker somehow on the roof, we can blast music pretty loud. Hopefully most if not all ships come towards it."

Bell immediately smiles and grabs both of Margot's shoulders. "Good thinking! Let's hurry!"

The girls immediately run into the store, grabbing as many things as they can.

Meanwhile across town, Marcus and Jett were still talking on the floor of Family Video. Oddly enough, luck was in their favor and aliens hadn't bugged them once. This was the first time they actually felt safe for once during this invasion.

"No way! You can't be serious. That didn't happen." Jett scoffs a laugh. Marcus nods. "No no. I'm telling the truth. Tommy Tharp punched me for stealing the winning score of our game. I get that he's the team captain and all but it seemed a bit unnecessary." He smiles with a shrug.

"No, I believe that part. The bit I don't believe is that he proceeded to ask you for fifty bucks to replace his shoes that you got blood on from the punch he gave you." Jett runs a hand through his hair in utter shock.

"I know, I know. Guy's a prick. Oddly enough, I still gave him the money. I think I was intimidated by him since he's an upper class man." The athlete shrugs. Jett laughs. "By a year. And you could've taken him. You're like taller than Tommy by an inch or two."

Marcus raises a brow at the curly haired teen. This causes Jett to spiral a bit. "I didn't mean that in a creepy way. I don't have your height memorized. You just... you sit in front of me in Mr. Gilbert's chemistry class. I remember because I could never see the board."

The athlete shakes his head. "No, no. I didn't think that. Sorry I blocked the board, I could've lent you my notes or something if you asked."

"This may be hard to believe Marcus but... I probably wouldn't have. You like... scared me, I don't know. Not in a monstrous way. I just didn't have friends. You knew that though, I'm assuming."

"Yeah..." The brunet smiles softly. "But... you do now. And once this is all over and the school's rebuilt and we're all back there... we're all hanging out. Hell, I'll join AV club. I wish I had gotten to know you when school was still going. You're really cool." Marcus plays with his hands slightly, clearing his throat.

Jett smiles at the compliment. "You'd... join AV? I'm like the only member though."

"Yeah, I'd join. The old broadcasts were cool. And maybe if you had two people rather than one, we could run them again. And...y'know... I wouldn't mind if it were just us. It's working out right now, yeah?" The tall teen puts on a toothy grin as Jett just sits there in a bit of a daze. The curly haired teen gawked slightly before Marcus just sat there, confused as ever.

Jett shook himself out of his trance before clearing his throat. "Sorry. Yeah that sounds-"

Before he can finish his sentence, a loud roar is heard outside of the building. The two boys look to each other in worry before they both stand back up. Marcus carefully glances out the window to see three dog like aliens. The familiar creatures sent chills down his spine. A worried expression spreads across his face as he looks back to Jett, unsure of what to do.

Cliffhanger 👹👹 guys this book is nearing the end but I hope you're enjoying so far😭😭

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