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Start from the beginning

With her arms pinned above her head, the stylist finished taping the haltered bandana top with fashion tape, paired with baggy jeans and Air Jordans. Taking in deep breaths to calm her nerves and get into the head-space of performing, Savanna forced her mind to think on other matters.

Matters such as performing their last stage of Ruined before they start on their next comeback leading into their first album, promoting it like crazy and fuck ups were unacceptable. As with many stages before, this stage was broadcasted live. Fans from all over the globe were tuning in to watch their favorite groups and well-known soloists perform and hopefully take home a win.

One of those present groups were K.O.

It'd been two months since Savanna called Namwook a stalker and two months since leaving her on read. At times, she'd forget the situation ever happened until his face appeared. . .well everywhere, and she's reminded that she was one step away from a scandal should he expose her.

Calling Namwook out his name wasn't anything scandalous per se and she had asked a valid question without malicious intent. But if taken out of context — prone to happen when viewed by fans who insert themselves as judgment, pointing fingers elsewhere than toward their beloved idol who could do no wrong in their eyes —  Savanna should start packing her bags.

Due to clashing schedules and the group having to attend social events and various programs they'd been invited to, Savanna found no time to properly apologize. To see him even. It could be a sign to leave it as it was, which was perfect considering she had no desire to apologize. Too much time had passed and guilt faded along with it, but whether she was sorry or not, her career was on the line.

Once spotting him, Savanna would apologize, keep it short, and hope he wouldn't use it against her and keep it moving.

A soft knock at the door alerted the group to a short man with wide glasses, clutching a clipboard to his chest. "We're ready to have the group on standby for the interview while commercials are running. When you're done, follow me please." He announced, anxiously eying the large man — Mani, their bodyguard who body-builds — who stood just outside the door.

When came their insane growth of popularity and extreme fansites — and an incident where a saesang snuck into their dressing room — came the crucial need to hire bodyguards. Manager Bi and other managers couldn't shield every member with their bodies without being pushed through. The company received a lot of criticism on their end for failing to protect their girl groups properly, but they had long listened and hired bodyguards. It was simply a marketing tactic to garnish a reaction that they kept their names trending that later led to free promotion. And it wasn't the first nor the last. But fans sneaking into their dressing rooms weren't planned.

Manager Bi stood from her seat already motioning the girls out the room. "You heard him, ladies. Let's get to your places before commercials are over and give a great interview to boost impressions."

A round vanilla cake covered in pink icing and cherries decorating the rim with '마지막 공연 축하해~' written in white icing rested on the table. Confetti scattered and balloons floated around to the slightest of movements. A chuck of cake was missing and the air was still thick with smoke from blowing out the candles.

Rachel, wearing a bandana print jacket matched with printed pants, clutched an arm around Savanna's once the stylist was finished. "Two months flew by way too fucking fast. I haven't had a proper rest between music shows, variety segments, preparations for the next comeback and our first album — I'm starting to notice bags under my eyes." She looked into the nearest mirror to ensure there were no weird smudges even in the brightest lighting.

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