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'I want to sleep..' was the only thought she had in her mind.

After Aishi finished cleaning the Hokages' faces, she went straight to her house whilst Naruto followed Iruka to Ichiraku. By now, she had already passed the genjutsu barrier around her clan's compound.

'I want to eat some vanilla mochi...' the lonely girl thought.

'Wisteria... I should make more wisteria poison for future purposes...' she thought again as she picked up some wisteria flowers that already fell from its tree.

As she walked and walked, she finally reached her house. She opened the front door, closed it, took off her ninja boots and immediately went to the kitchen.


The kitchen was empty.

"Ah... I almost forgot he's not here...."

She had lost her appetite.

And thus, she went to her room and locked the door. She entered her bathroom to take a shower.

30 minutes later, she was still showering. Hey, it's not really her fault that her mind is working 24/7. She just needs time to sort off her thinking.

After another 30 minutes in the shower, she decided to have enough and dry herself with a towel. She then wore her sleepwear and got ready to sleep.

It was a long day, alright.


It was a normal morning for Naruto and Aishi. They were having their usual breakfast at five o'clock, cooked by Aishi. Though sometimes they did took turn in cooking... but Aishi pretty much preferred ramen as a dinner instead of breakfast.

"Ne ne Ai-chan" the blond boy suddenly voiced with a thoughtful tone.


"Yesterday... why didn't you tag along with us to Ichiraku? Iruka-sensei payed, ya know?"

'Of course he would ask. He must've thought that it was such a shame I didn't come when I can eat without spending my money.' The ravenette figured.

"I was... not feeling well... I was in need... for rest.."


Then the silence continued all the way till they finished their breakfast. While Naruto was washing the dishes, Aishi was at the living room, getting ready for a morning run.

She could've just went for the run straight away, but she preferred to add more weight each morning. And the living room is the closest room by the front door.

As Aishi finished applying the weight at her right ankle, she gracefully went for the left.. but was stopped by something for a short moment before continuing with what she was doing. She stood up once she knew she was ready, and went infront of a small portrait that was hanging on the wall.

It was a portrait of Kazuha.

She stared at it with a blank face for a few minutes before going to the kitchen to notify Naruto about her departure for a morning run.

"Naruto... I'm going outside.."

"For a run?"

"Mhm.. for a run.."

As she was about to leave the kitchen, she halted her steps as if she remembered something.

"Ah.. yes.. I almost forgot...."

Naruto had finished washing all the dishes by now, and was drying his hands with a towel. He looked at Aishi with a raised eyebrow.

"What is it?"

𝗔𝗺𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗮 (Naruto Isekai)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu