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Hello dear readers, tendoubanshou's here

Today I uploaded this important notice because of some things I want to inform you about.


Firstly, I deeply apologize for not uploading a single chapter for any books for months. I must remind you that I am still a minor, and I still have to go to school.

Having a very big exam at the end of the year does not help me in this situation either, since I have to prove myself to my mother that I am studying very hard to achieve A in Mathematics.

"Why trying so hard on studying Math?"

Because I was a religious student before, and I can't focus on Math when I have other additional subjects that I had to focus on. So, I moved to a new school with a promise to my mom that I will study hard on Math since there are no additional subjects to disturb my focus.

I'm not sure about your country, but subjects like Mathematics, Science, History and etc, are very important in my country. It's better if you not fail in any of those subjects to avoid having a hard time finding a job in the future.


Secondly, I want to say that I might discontinue every book I had published.

There are still chances that I will continue writing, however,  you must be patient of my unbalanced uploading time.

I will still reply to your comments.


Right now I'm very very sleepy, and I have school tomorrow. I hope you'll have a great day!!

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