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-) Naruto's not mine, it's Kishimoto's.

-) English is not my first language so please dont mind my grammar mistakes.

-) I don't own the arts/videos so credit to the rightful owner. (I'll mention if the arts/pictures are mine.)

-) I might change or forgot some important plot so uh.. bear with it?..


Third P.O.V:

She was utterly confused.

She remembered that she was heading to the Uchiha Compound with Naruto and Sasuke for training session together. And when they arrived, they greeted Itachi who seemed to be waiting for their arrival...

And then a black blur came and snatched her away from the place she was standing on, which was between Naruto and Sasuke, infront of Itachi.

She could hear both of the toddlers calling- yelling(?) her name.

But then, why wouldn't Itachi do anything? She was sure that she saw Itachi looking her way, but he was just giving her his signature ghost smile. So doesn't that meant everything was alright..?

Was this supposed to be a kidnapping?

Actually, was kidnapping supposed to be alright?

She couldn't see her kidnapper's face since she was facing the culprit's back... but she was trying anyway.

But then they stopped.

She could feel she was being lifted to the air.. Actually, she was feeling dizzy since she was not used of being carried by someone on that speed. Let alone that certain someone caught her when she was off guard.

She deadpanned when she saw the culprits face.

So basically she was being kidnapped by Shisui. He had a very wide close eyed grin on his face.

That explains why Itachi was so calm. He was expecting his cousin to take her away when they arrived.

But why?

There were hundreds of possibilities that were forming inside her head but there was only one most reasonable answer...

He took her away to train her himself.

But why?

She already found the answer but she wanted to hear it from Shisui himself. He opened his eyes.

His grin then dropped.

"What's with that reaction?"


She blankly stared at him.

"Oh, come on! Aren't you excited that I'm here to train you??" He said with a pout.

Uchiha Shisui.. Shunshin no Shisui, a.k.a Shisui of the Body Flicker.. was pouting.

She started to lose hope of humanity. (h/j)

"It's not everyday... to get kidnapped and being carried like a potato sack by one of the admirable shinobi......."

He sheepishly grinned.

"Haha, sorry 'bout that! Should've told you first, huh?"

She deadpanned again.

"Anyways.." he started. He slowly put her down to the oh so called ground.

"I'll be training you today. Just thought of it as a thank you for saving my life back then." He continued.

He could hear Aishi mumbled something about 'knew it' and 'why would he train me if it's not the reason?' or something.

He ignored her comments.

"So, have you knew about your chakra affinity?"

She shook her head left and right.

"Well then, here's a chakra paper. I'll tell you your chakra affinity when the chakra paper give the reactions once you send your chakra to it."

She nodded as she took the chakra paper from his hand. She sent some of her chakra to the chakra paper..



Nothing happened.

Shisui tilted his head.

"Maybe you sent too little chakra?.."

She then sent more chakra to it.

After a while, the chakra paper finally gave its reaction. First, it split in half. Then, it became damp. And then, after 10 seconds, the chakra paper turned to dirt and crumbled away.

Both of them was stunned.

Shisui was stunned because he was not expecting to witness those kind of late reaction. On the other hand, Aishi was stunned because how accurate her chakra affinity were.

She actually remembered those days when she took some quizzes about elements and some sort.

For the first time she took the quiz, which when she was still young, she got the water element. Then, when she was older, which was when she was 9-12, she got the wind element.

That was pretty reasonable since she has the wind zodiac sign, Gemini. (Still has the same zodiac sign after being reincarnated.)

And then she remembered when she took one of those Genshin Impact quizzes after some years. She got the Geo element, a.k.a earth. She couldn't actually believe that she always got the same result for different Genshin element quizzes.

And now after finding out her chakra affinity, she couldn't help but felt a pang of nostalgia in her heart.

She couldn't believe she was still attached to her old world.

"Well.. that was unexpected! It looks like you have wind, water and earth release."


"I'll tell you my chakra affinity. I have fire, wind and lightning release. I also have an additional affinity, which is yin release. I believe you already knew what yin release is, right?"

Of course, Aishi knew what Yin release is and why does Shisui have it.

Yin means spiritual energy.

She didn't really knew how to explain it but all she understand was that Genjutsu is one of the example of Yin release, the other being Shadow Possession Jutsu that can be performed by the member of the Nara clan.

The Uchiha clan is a clan that has a very strong Yin release.

And of course, she knew and understood what Yang release is too.

But author doesn't have time to explain it since he had to finish writing this before the exams come next week.

Aishi could only nod at Shisui's question. Shisui was pleased since he already knew that Aishi is a genius so that saved some time for him to explain certain things.

"I'll teach you some cool Ninjutsus later. For now, I want you to run around the village for 50 minutes, since I believe you need a stamina training."

Oh boy, stamina training was going to be hell for her. But she hoped that it will be worth the price.

𝗔𝗺𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗮 (Naruto Isekai)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ