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-) Naruto's not mine, it's Kishimoto's.

-) English is not my first language so please dont mind my grammar mistakes.

-) I don't own the arts/videos so credit to the rightful owner. (I'll mention if the arts/pictures are mine.)

-) I might change or forgot some important plot so uh.. bear with it?..


Third P.O.V:

"Wait, so you're telling me that your brother literally drugged you just to knock you out because you haven't been sleeping for three days?"


"And after you lost your consciousness, you've slept for one day and a half?"


"And you're also telling me that your brother didn't even realized that you know about the drug the moment you ate the food he made?"


"You know it's actually dangerous if the situation was in a wicked way. So why did you let it happened?"

There were silence between the two. He was waiting for an answer from his cloud gazing friend. Yet, she just stared at the horizon before her eyes.

"It's not like mere medications or poisons can kill me." She replied.

Shikamaru just gaped at her in disbelief. She said those words like it was nothing. What does she thought life were?

He sighed in defeat.

"Troublesome girl." He muttered.

Aishi let a tiny smile crept on her face. She couldn't help but remembered the day when they first met whenever he called her "Troublesome girl", which was at night when she was star gazing.

Shikamaru sneaked out because for some reason, he felt like there were something inside his room, and it was shoo-ing him to go outside. He felt like it was telling him that someone was waiting for him.

That was one, creepy experience he ever had to go through.

So, he got out and went to a random roof. That was when he met her. That time, he remembered that she was the new kid that just enrolled the academy 3 months ago.

Though, he just kept silent and lay down next to her as they watched the starry sky together.

After some time, he heard a soft snore coming from the girl. He literally muttered "troublesome girl" under his breath when he realized that he couldn't just leave her sleeping in open by herself.

Though, he didn't realize that even in her sleep, she could still heard his remarks. That made her smile.

After that day, they often do cloud or star gazing together. None of them mind each other's company. They always lay down on some random roofs together in silence.

Sometimes, they'd talk about their own life. What had happened, some secrets, and many more. They also share some tips when it came to ninja life and such...

Shikamaru noticed the way Aishi spoke to him whenever they were alone. It was more clear and straightforward, unlike the times when she would usually pause mid-sentence when talking to other people.

Perhaps she's comfortable with his company? Because he also feel comfort when she's always there by his side.

Aishi shook her head. Lunch will come to an end soon, better get to class before Iruka-sensei use his big head jutsu.


Kazuha humed in delight as he ate the dorayaki his sister had made this morning. It has strawberry-butter fillings and he absolutely loved the combination.

His sister sure is creative when it comes to cooking.

After he finished eating, he put away his empty bento box inside a sealing scroll he always brought with him.

"Ah.. being a teacher this young surely is tiring." He whined.

Well, of course it was. He was using the transformation technique for hours! That was a real workout to his chakra.

But why would he use Henge no Jutsu?

I mean, what kind of academy kids will listen to a 10 years old boy? So he had to use henge to appear 10 years older.

Kazuha then frowned.

He was still upset that he couldn't teach the class his sister was in. That damn hokage really made his head irk.

He took the small bottle he was way too familiar with. It was the sleeping medications he had been using these past few days.

Though, he couldn't believe that his sister wasn't even effected by it the first time he gave her in the form of foods. It does work on him, however.

But he did made a calculation. Use three times in a row then the effect will show itself, which was why he lead his sister to the living room after she ate three days ago (previous chapter).

He basically wanted to see if she 'accidentally' slept on the sofa or not. I mean, wouldn't it be creepy if he always peep from her bedroom's door just to see if she was asleep or not? Yeah, that doesn't sound very legal.

But now that it worked, he will make sure to always use it whenever his sister showed the same symptoms of a troubled little girl shouldn't show, which was keeping her problems to herself.

In his mindset, Aishi is just a little girl that his mother gave birth to.

Before his mother gave birth of Aishi, she often made Kazuha promised to take care of his younger sister when the day his mother would finally leave him came.

Well, he was just fulfilling his promise until his sister will become strong enough to protect herself, to take care of herself. He'll make sure of that, in case he'll ever leave her one day.

He sighed as he shook off the thoughts he had. The feelings he disliked were growing each days. Each months. Each years.

⠓⠁⠞⠑⠗⠑⠙ .

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