I'm sorry mom

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"What the hell did you think of?" Nancy's mom asked

"Mom she hit me first"

"It doesn't matter come on now" she grabbed Nancy by the arm and started to walk out, Nancy tried to loosen but her mom held her tightly. Robin and Mrs Tilly were still in the classroom.

"I tried to call your mom but now one answered"

"Alright I guess I will just have to walk home then" Robin sighed in relief

"Oh no young lady I will drive you"

"No but I can walk I will tell my mom about this I swear"

Robin tried to make Mrs Tilly change her mind but it was worthless.

(Mini time skip)

Mrs Tilly pulled up to Robin's house and knocked on the door. A tired woman opend

"Hi I'm Robin's teacher may I speak with you"

Robin's mom looked at her and motioned for her to come in.

"Do you want some coffee or anything?"

"Yes please"

They sat down in the living room and Robin's mom lighted a cig and motioned to Robin to go and wait in her room. After a while Mrs Tilly left and Robin heard loud footsteps coming towards her room, her mom slammed the door open

"Tell me right now why you beat up that girl"

"Mom didn't she already tell-"

"I know that it was not because of a boy!" She yelled

"I don't want to talk about it!" Robin snapped

Her mom came up to her and grabbed ger wrist and pressed her nails in.

"Well you have to, and tell me the god damn truth!"

"Alright! She spread rumors about me"

"What kind of rumors?" Her mom said with a raspy voice

Robin was silent. Her mom pushed her nails in her arm harder and it really hurt

"Some girls saw us make out and Nancy spread rumors about me!"

She didn't mean to say all of that she felt how her eyes filled with tears and whispered

"Please mom don't be mad at me"

Her mom slapped her across the face

"You don't make out with girls! Girls are only meant to be friend's with" she yelled at her daughter

Robin looked down on the ground "why did she tell her mom about that part" she thought

"You know that Robin ! We've talked about it since you were 10!"

" I know " she whispered and a single tear streamed down her cheek

"This is just too much! I don't know what to do with you"

"I'm sorry mom"

Her mom got out and started to put on her shoes, Robin followed her

"Hey we're you going!?"

She saw how her mom rushed out the house

"Fine , go ahead and leave me like you always do!"

Robin slammed the door and wiped away her tears "it was no point in crying because no one will ever stay you just have to accept it" she told herself.

It was now around 10pm and Nancy had been in her room sense they came home. She was trying to fall asleep but couldn't stop thinking about what she had done to Robin. She jumped out of the bed, dressed herself and snuck out. She decided to go to Robin and apologize.

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