The rumors

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The next day Nancy and Robin woke up and got in the kitchen to eat some breakfast. Robin's mom sat down and she looked up at the girls.

"Well good morning girls" she blew out some smoke "Did you guys have fun last night?" She smirked looking at Nancy's neck

"Yeah" Robin said in a annoyed tone. 

She really didn't want Nancy to eat breakfast while her mom was there, she didn't even want Nancy to be near her mom.

"So what did you guys do last night? Mabye you had fun with some boys?" Her mom smirked again

"No nothing happened" Robin replied sharply

" oh really ?  Nothing happened" her mom looked at Robin with  stern eyes

"Oh yeah my boyfriend was there " Nancy lied trying to save the situation again

Robin's mom looked relieved "oh alright. Of course you have a boyfriend what's his name?"

"Steve Harrington" Nancy lied

"yeah you just gotta let those boys do what they want-"

Robin cut her off "MOM !"

"Come on nance let's go"

Nancy and Robin got up from the table and Nancy thanked for the breakfast. The girls got dressed and Nancy asked Robin if she wanted to walk together to their jobs.

(After working) (time skip)

Nancy got home and changed in to her pyjamas. She crawled in under her bed sheets and thought about Robin and she could really feel the butterflies in her stomach.

On Monday Nancy got up early and headed towards school. When she got in the hallway she looked for Robin but she wasn't their. Angela and Rebecca walked up to Nancy with angry faces.

"We have to talk"

They draged Nancy to the ladies restroom  and Nancy looked at them with a confused face.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked still very confused

"We saw you and Robin"

"What?" She didn't get what they meant by that

"Yeah we saw how she kissed you and how she forced you to touch her" the girls now looked disgusted at each other

Nancy didn't even think and just said

"thank god you saw that I just tried being her friend and then she did that" Nancy lied. She really didn't want to destroy her reputation.

"Are you okey ?" Rebecca asked anxiously

"No not really" she lied

The girls hugged her and assured her that they we're gonna fix the problem.

Nancy now felt all the shame coming in her body. Why did she lie how could she even?

Robin got in to the school a little bit late. She walked passed Nancy and gave her a smile, Nancy quickly looked away. Robin thought it was weird but didn't think off it too much after all she wasn't really the greatest at getting hints. A jock walked passed Robin and yelled

"Hey lesbo ! How did she taste" the jock made signs with his tongue between his middle finger and index finger

"What do you mean?" She asked confused

They just walked away. Robin stepped into someone and noticed it was Keith. (Keith was a acquaintance to Robin)

"Do you know what's going on everyone lookes at me like I'm a freak and some jocks asked me the weirdest question" she asked confusingly

" don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"Rebecca and Angela told the whole school how they saw you threw yourself at Nancy and made out with her" he said


"Yeah they said Nancy had told them how you tried to bang her and that you couldn't keep your hands away from her"

"I mean I get it she's pretty-""

Robin was just in shook, she felt how her eyes filled up with tears and she rushed to the ladies bathroom.

Keith saw how Robin ran away, he shook his head

Robin locked herself in one of the toilet cubicles and burst out in tears. She couldn't believe the rumors had started again and she definitely couldn't believe how Nancy had lied just to save her fucking self. She grabbed her legs and tore them while she felt how the anger raised inside her.

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