If only my name could be Steve

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The next day Nancy came down the stairs and sat down with her family to eat breakfast. She sat down next to her little brother mike, watching him stuff his mouth full of pancakes, getting syrup all over himself

"ew gross" she said looking at mike

Mike turned his head and looked at her

"Did you study last night?" He asked sharply

"yeah actually I did" Nancy replied

"oh yeah? what was the test on now again? Human anatomy?" He said challenging her

Nancy kicked him under the table and stared at him warningly

"What are you guys talking about" Their mom asked

"Nothing" Nancy assured her quickly

Mike got up and said that he had to fix his hair as he rushed to the bathroom Nancy hurried after him. She entered the bathroom, closed the door. she turned and looked at mike

"how did you know what I was doing last night?" She whispered

"I saw Steve climbing in threw your window and then after that I heard some weird noises" he said with a smirk.

Nancy grabbed his arm and said

"don't you dare tell anyone about this"

"if you don't give me 5$ right now I'll tell them. And I'll tell Steve that you like to look at naked girls in your playboy magazines"

Nancy looked shockingly on her brother and didn't know what to say. "How the hell on earth did mike know about her magezin" she thought. She let go of his arm and gave him 5$ and looked into mikes eyes and whispered

"you are not gonna tell mom and dad about this and absolutely not Steve, do you understand?"

He just nodded and took the money.

Robin was on her way to school, as she walked in the corridor she saw the girl of her dreams, the sweet girl Nancy Wheeler. Then Nancy closed her locker and she saw Steve coming up to Nancy hugging her tightly and grabbing her ass "what did Nancy really see in him" she wondered. She saw how Nancy gave Steve a kiss and said

"see you later baby!"

If only Robin's name was Steve she thought. In the corner of her eye she saw how the popular girls (aka Nancy's friends) stood there whispering and pointing at her. She was used to it now. Someone had spread rumors about Robin in 6th grade but she had thought that everyone had forgotten about that, but apparently not.

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