Lovers lake

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After a week Nancy's house arrest finally ended. She had have to talk to her mom what seemed like 500 times about that she was just sad, got drunk and that she was NOT hanging out with boys. Her mom seemed to like Robin, after all nancy was 17 and it wasn't so weird for her to be out drinking, but still it was something weird about how Nancy had spoken about Robin that night. It almost sounded like Nancy talked about Robin like she was a boy ? Nancy's mom asked her about it, and Nancy just said that

she was "just so happy to have a new girl-friend"

"Of course I'm happy for you too" her mom sighed "you just talked about her like she was a boy or something but sometimes it can be hard to talk correctly when your drunk" her mom smiled and stroke her daughter on the shoulder

"Yeah I know" Nancy replied with a smile

But She knew that the drunk Nancy did mean something else that night but her mom didn't have to know that.

Anyway She had come up with a plan if she saw Robin again she would just say "what did I say ? I'm so sorry I was drunk" or something in that way.

Robin had not seen or heard anything from Nancy. She just kept thinking about everything that had happend that night. They really did have a moment or maybe she was just to in love to think that it was all bullshit.

Nancy had just been thinking about Robin day in and day out then it suddenly crossed her mind that she had no idea who Robin was dating or if she had a crush on someone. Robin really didn't seem like a boy crazy girl then it hit her mabye Robin had something going on between her and Steve, after all they were totally best friends and  were working together and hanged out almost everyday, she felt how her heart dropped and she decided to find out. After all nancy wanted to be a journalist and she liked to dig in to stuff.

On Saturday Eddie called and  asked if she wanted to join him Steve and Robin to go to lovers lake, just to hang and mabye drink a little bit. She now saw the chance to find out if Steve and Robin had a "thing". Later that evening she asked her mom if she could go out

" we're your going? who is going to be there ?" Her mom asked

"Um just to lovers lake it's just gonna be me Steve, Eddie and Robin. We're going to have a little bbq hang" she replied

her mom turned around and said

"do you promise it will only be the four of you and that your not going to one of them parties were boys can't contro-"

Nancy cut her off " yup I'm sure and I promise"

her mom thought about it for a while then she asked

"is that Robin girl going to stay there with you in case anything happens?"

Nancy looked a little bit shocked then she quickly replied

"yes Robin is going to be there it's more like I want to be her support after she helped me that night, I don't want her to feel lonely with two boys"

"well Robin seem like a good friend and not like those girls at your school." She sighed just thinking about those popular girls " just be home by eleven, i love you Nancy sweetie" her mom gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Robin had headed towards the lake, her mom didn't even care that she left or she didn't notice she wasn't sure, but one thing that she was sure of, was the butterflies in her stomach she just couldn't wait to see Nancy's big blue eyes and her apple kissed checks. Robin had put on jeans and her favorite bra that was in a dark blue color with lace so if it got hot she could just take her shirt off and it would be like a sexy top,  and mabye Nancy would like it. Robin knew that, it was the only reason she put it on.

At lovers lake :
They had sat up a pick-nick. The guys had brought a bottle of vodka and some Marlboros, Robin brought a basket with snacks in it. They sat down by the lake and started drinking and playing around. When it had passed an hour or so they had got drunk. Steve noticed how it wasn't any cigarettes left

"hey Ed come on let's go to the store real quick"

Eddie stood up and breathed out

"I have to pee anyways so we can do that on the way to the store" he laughed

They started to go and said they would be back in 15 minutes. Robin leaned against a tree and Nancy sat there looking at Robin. After a while Robin said

"what are you looking at wheeler?"

The atmosphere felt warm and safe. Nancy looked away then at Robin again

"Um- I - was just wondering if I could ask you something" she said

Robin felt how nervous she got but said in a calming voice

"yeah you can ask me anything"

Nancy thought "it's now or never" she took a deep breath and said

"okey so I know it's none of my business but do you..." Nancy stopped she could really feel how embarrassing her question would sound.

Robin looked at her with curiosity. Nancy continued

"are you and Steve you know ... a thing"

Robin felt how her stomach just tied a knot . "no no no how could nancy even think that" but then the drunk Robin remembered Nancy didn't know a thing about Robin liking girls. 

"I'm so sorry for asking you that it's just.. you know you don't seem like a boy crazy girl and you and Steve are just-"
she could feel how much she wanted to cry how could she even feel this way about Robin? 

"No no Nancy me and Steve are really not a thing please don't think that we are, Besides Steve has some girl he is halfway together with don't you remember?" 

Oh yeah of course how could she had forgott about that? She felt so stupid. They sat down in silance for a moment then Nancy said

"Robin ?"

Robin looked at her with her big blue eyes


"Do you like gi-"

" hello there !!!"

Steve and Eddie were back. They had unknowingly inturupted Nancy's important question.

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