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(Time skip one year later)

Nancy had Broken up with Steve about a year ago, they had moved on from each other and ended up friends. Nancy was now together with Johnathan and their relationship was not perfect but okey, they sometimes argued but it didn't seem to bother Nancy at least.

Robin had started to work at scoops ahoy with her new best friend Steve the hair Harrington. Robin was still madly in love with Nancy she just couldn't get her out of her head. She always became so flustered when Nancy came around or when she hung out with her, Steve and their new friend Eddie. She just wanted to tell Nancy so bad about how her heart was going to explode if she kept on being in love with her. Robin had already told Steve and Eddie about her being gay, and the boys didn't mind. It was actually pretty cool because they could now all tre simp over girls together. Nancy was laying down in her bed feeling anxious about what she had done yesterday evening. Jonathan had come home to Nancy and they we're gonna sleep over. When Nancy was in the shower before they were gonna go to bed Johnathan found a pile of playboy magazines he asked her about it because it seemed weird. Nancy lied to Johnathan and told him she just had them because she had felt insecure. Johnathan believed her because what else could it be ? He hugged her and told her how beautiful she was and that she didn't have to feel insecure. Nancy felt bad for Johnathan that she had been lying to him, but what else could she do? just say
"hey baby you know I love you and all but sometimes i like to look at half naked girls"
she didn't even know why she had to do it it just made her feel something, something that Steve and Johnathan could never make her feel.

(Time skip again cuase I'm lazy)

It had gone two months. Johnathan had moved away with his brother and his mom. Nancy was kind of sad about it but now she mostly spend her time hanging out with Steve, Eddie and Robin all the four of them had became close friends, even her and Robin was friends, not maybe best friends but at least friends. Nancy had still her friends in school, the popular girls. but they didn't hang out that much, only in school or at party's. Nancy hadn't heard a word from Johnathan the last three weeks, and she had tried to call him and send him letters but no answers. Until one day she received a letter, it was from Johnathan. Her heart started to raise "finally!" She thought. But her heart dropped as she read the letter

"Hi Nancy. I'm sorry I haven't called you or sent you any letters. I have done something bad .... I've been with someone else. I'm so sorry but I don't feel the spark between us anymore. /Johnathan

Nancy brust out in tears. She couldn't believe how she didn't see this coming. Yes of course she could. Johnathan hadn't called her the las three weeks and before that they had just argued about small things. Nancy sat on her bed still crying, her mom came in to her room and tried to comfort her but It didn't really work she just wanted to be alone. After three days of staying in her bed, she couldn't stand it at home. Nancy wasn't even really that sad about it anymore she just felt stupid. So she decided to go and buy alcohol so she at least didn't have to feel anything. Nancy told her mom that she was going on a quick walk to clear her head. Her mom thought that it could be a good idea. As Nancy walked to the liquor store she thought that mabye she could talk to someone who could understand her and help her figure out what she was feeling. She couldn't talk to none of the girls in school because they would just say

"sweetheart don't be sad it's plenty of fish in the sea"

And that wasn't gonna help. Mabye she could talk to Steve, but that would feel werid. And she didn't have Robins or Eddie's phone number so she decided that alcohol was gonna solve her problems this time.

Robin went out, her mom had asked her to go to the liquor store to buy her cigarettes and some beer. When Nancy got out of the store she opened the bottle and started to drink as she walked home. Robin was on her way to go and shop for her mother as she saw someone walking like they had chugged a whole bottle of vodka, she didn't think about it so much until she saw that it was Nancy. Robin saw how Nancy hardly could stand up, she rushed towards Nancy and said

"hi Nance how are you ?"

"Oh hi Robin " Nancy replied with a smirk on her face.

"How are you ?do you need any help". Robin put her hand on Nancy's shoulder

Nancy threw herself at Robin and tightly hugged her and burst out in tears again

"I just want someone to talk to! I feel so lonely" Nancy sobbed

Robin got so shocked by Nancy hugging her. then she snapped back to reality and said that they could sit down on a bench and talk,

"are you sure you have time" Nancy asked with a weak voice

Robin just nodded with a smile and thought that her mom was going to kill her, but anything for Nancy.

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