Chapter 10

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The darkness seized, and I was being held up high in the air, right in front of the good's queen.

"Put me down!" I snapped. Something felt familiar about this...

The queen giving me a longing gaze. "I can feel her memories. They've been suppressed, and replaced with false information."

"What the heck are you talking about!?" I shrieked.

"Can you save her!?" Ashton pleaded. What a phony...

The queen stepped up to me. I wanted to hit her, punch her, kick her, anything, but her powers were strong.

She touched my forehead, and my vision immediately went black.


I woke up, a worried Ash hovering over me.

"Ash..?" I murmured. "What happened? My head hurts..."

"First, do you remember me? Like... In a good way," Ash smiled awkwardly.

"I... Guess?" I shrugged.

"Well, that's about what I'd expect. It's a weird question," Ash chuckled awkwardly. "Anyway, your dad hypnotized you. Luckily, my mom turned you back to normal."

I sat up immediately, almost colliding with Ash's head. "Now I remember! They hypnotized me because they thought youguys had hypnotized me!"

"Stupid," Ash scoffed.

I giggled. "I know, right? My parents have always been like that."

"Oh, another thing," Ash smiled. "We won."


"We won the war..." Ash said, sighing of relief. "We beat the bad."

"What!?" I gasped.

Ash nodded. "After they used too much power trying to get you back, we easily whooped there butts."

I tackled him into a hug. "I can't believe it!"

"Your not mad? With us pretty much killing off your family, and such," Ash's eyes widened in surprise.

"I hated them! What are you talking about!?" I snickered.

Ash smiled, hugging me back. "I love you."

"I never forgot," I blushed.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He murmured.

"W-what? You've barely even known me for a week!" I gasped.

"But I know I love you! Please?" He begged.

"Ok, fine! I'll be your girlfriend!" I shrugged.

"Yeah!" Ash squealed, jumping up in the air. "Let's go tell my mom!"

He grabbed me by the wrist, dragging me away before I had a chance to respond.


"Girlfriend!?" The queen gasped, flabbergasted.

I nodded hesitantly.

"Then we must celebrate! Have a party!" The queen smiled, in delight.

I looked at her, shocked as well as Ash. "Party!?"

You Don't Need To Be Bad!-NegaishippingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora