Chapter 3

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"Pikachu!" I heard Ash shriek behind me. I turned, to see him holding a tiny little yellow mouse in the palm of his hand.

He lifted his other hand, and electricity flew from his hand onto the mouse's cheeks. The mouse squeaked in delight.

"You have electric powers?" I asked.

He nodded. "What're your powers?"

"Dragon," I said quickly.

"Cool!" Ash cheered, as Pikachu jumped in surprise at his sudden outburst. "I've always wondered what it looks like!"

I lifted my hand, and focused on it. It glowed a dark turquoise, before caging in as claws around my finger-tips. I held up a peace sign at him, with a tiny wink.

"So cool!" Ash smiled, while putting Pikachu in his enclosure. Pikachu frowned, before scrambling on the glass sides.

"What about the thing where they go crazy? Is it... Outburst?" Ash asked, thoughtfully.

"Outrage," I corrected. "I hate how it feels..." I shivered, uncomfortable. "Afterwards, it pretty much feels like when you're really sick? Like when you have a fever, and you're not thinking right, I guess? It's hard to explain..."

Ash nodded slowly.


I jumped a little, and Ash giggled. "That just means Cilan and the other chefs are finished getting lunch ready."

"Cilan?" I tilted my head, curiously.

"Cilan's a junior chef. He's also my friend, we hang out a lot," Ash explained.

He grabbed me by the wrist. "They always make way too much for me, I usually give some to the villagers who can't afford food. So you can gladly join me!"

He led me through a bunch of corridors, and I stopped in front of what looked like a buffet!

A guy I assumed to be around teenager years walked up to me. His pastel green hair with slicked back, except for three little tuffs directly in the middle. It looked like a bush, to be honest.

"Ashton? Who's this?" Cilan asked, glancing at the other chefs.

"An escapee from the evil's slaves and such. Mother's letting her stay here," Ash explained.

Cilan hummed, turning to me. "What's your name? I'd like to get to know you..."

His tone sent shivers down my spine, but I didn't want to be rude. "U-umm, I didn't have a name back home, but I saw some Iris' outside? I think that's a pretty name..."

"So you want your name to be Iris?" Ash asked.

I nodded hesitantly. Why did I choose my name!?

"That's a cool name!" Ash smiled.

Cilan nodded. "It's indeed unique."

Ash's eyes immediately lit up. "I have an idea! Why don't we have a sleepover in my room tonight? All three of us?"

"That's a marvelous idea!" Cilan chimed in.


You Don't Need To Be Bad!-Negaishippingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें