Actual Chapter 9

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I woke up, with my head spinning. There was something I felt like I was forgetting, like something was off. I looked around, to see me in some battlefield. Oh, right. After the good prince had kidnapped me, they declared war. I guess I escaped?

"Iris!" Someone launched themselves onto me.

"Hey! What the!?" I looked up, to the see the boy who had kept me captive. "Get off of me, you freak!"

"Iris..?" He seemed worried, hesitant. Weird.

"How do you know my name?" I scowled.

"Iris, don't you remember me..?" Ashton murmured.

"Oh, yeah I do," His eyes lit up for a second. "You kidnapped me, and that's why we're in this war! Happy, now?"

"What!?" Ashton gasped. "I would never do that!"

"Of course you would," I hissed. I summoned my dragon claw, and Ashton scooted back. "Good choice."

Tears fell down his face. Man, either he gets scared really easily, or he's one heck of an actor.

I simply stood up, and walked away.

Or, at least I tried. A tsunami crashed down on me, and lots of people crowded around me, caging me in.

"What's wrong with you!?" A bluish gray haired girl pleaded.

"You were so sweet when you came to visit!" A light brown haired girl cried.

"And then you threaten Ash?" An auburn haired boy spat out, like I was a disaster.

"What are you talking about? I don't know any of you! Let me go!" I snapped.

Everyone paused, staring at me as if I had just yelled out some profanity. The auburn haired boy than walked up to me, grabbing me by the shoulders and staring at me.

I tried to shove him off, but he had a strong grip.

His eyes widened, and he looked up at everyone else. "She's hypnotized."

A few gasped, and everyone looked at me. "Please! You have no proof."

"Um, I study Poké-Power for a living. I'm pretty sure I would know!" He scoffed.

I got up and started running, when I felt something hit my back. I was immediately enclosed in darkness. "What the heck!? What's going on!?"

Some pillar of ice rose right in front of me. "Eek! Ice powers!?" I shivered.

More of them rose up around me.

I heard faint voices.

"What happened to her!?"

"I had to use my power on her. She was hypnotized."

"What!? Quick, take her back to my mom! She could probably reverse it."

"Someone used there powers on me!? When I get a hold of them-!" I growled. Suddenly I saw more ice. It started trapping me, as a cage. It poked at my skin.

"Eek! Someone, anyone! Help!" I cried. Ice was pretty much the most evil power ever... "I need to get put of here!"

I tried to summon my powers, but I guess it didn't work, whatever I was trapped.

You Don't Need To Be Bad!-NegaishippingWhere stories live. Discover now