No longer a classmate

Start from the beginning

Zara's corpse

Harry: GAH! Zara

Adam: so it was a villain who was missing after all

Derek: I...I can't believe it

Zara Able, why did another classmate of mine have to die...why her

Ding Dong Bong Bing

Monokuma: a body has been discovered at the greenhouse, after a certain amount of time a class trial will commence

Adam: that all but proves it then, she's dead

It wouldn't take long for the others on the third floor to arrive

Leary: ...Zara

Alice: no...

Sebastian: well well, at know we can get some rest

Derek: that's what you should be thinking about Sebastard!

Sebastian: oh? So you weren't all thinking it either? You aren't happy you didn't die because you would accidentally sleep?

Alice: that...

It couldn't be denied, because someone killed Zara, we were now able to sleep freely

Leary: however you are all still unable to leave this floor

Adam: yes these bangles are still stuck to us

Harry: d-does that mean Faye and the others can't investigate the crime scene?

Monokuma: exactly! You can only go around the third floor and they the second floor

Leary: how about the class trial? The elevator is on the first floor

Monokuma: duh I'll just deactivate them by then

Derek: why not just deactivate them now!

Monokuma: duh, drama


Monokuma: anyways, here's the Monokuma file, I will be giving this to the Heroes as well so no need to worry

And with that Monokuma laughed away

Sebastian: well with that over with I think I have a clear enough idea of what went on


Sebastian: unlike yourself I'm not an idiot

Hey! I helped out in the trials so far didn't I?

Leary: just leave him everyone, for now let's do what we can

Harry: RIGHT!

Adam: as I cannot move from this floor I shall guard Zara's body

Alice: same here! No one, man or woman, will do something to her without one of us watching

Derek: then I'll go tell everyone downwards what's going on

Leary: that will leave myself and Harry to investigate in the interest of maximising we should split up

Harry: yeah

With that everyone went to their roles, I got to prove I can be just as good as Faye here, guess I got no choice!

Investigation start

Let's see what the file says first, it might help with a starting point

The victim is Zara Able, Ultimate Cosplayer. The time of death is 8:03am, the body was found by Faye, Derek/Harry/Adam. The cause of death was a sharp object in the victim's heart as well as this there is also a wound on the victim's back.

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