•Chapter twenty three:Master of puppets•

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"So how do you do this again?" Steve asked and I sighed stopping my stance. He managed to get his hands on a machete so Steve asked for some tips.

"Like I said you don't really need to know how to use a machete just slice up for tentacles with full force and since you don't have the muscle memory stab from the centre of your chest with both hands. Like this." Steve rolled his eyes at me.

"I have muscles." He whispered to himself which robin heard.

"She said muscle memory dumbass meaning you haven't been learning this since you were twelve." I pointed my katana towards robin nodding at her. "Now help me out here." Steve walked off to Robin and I turned to see Dustin and Eddie wrestling on the ground. Walking over they squinted looking up at me.

"I see a beautiful princess has decided to join us," Eddie said sitting up on the ground. I bowed a little before joining them.

"Could you teach us how to use a spear?" Dustin asked and I shrugged.

"We're fighting bats what's there to teach? Stab stab stab." Eddie grabbed my waist pulling me into him making me giggle.

"So violent from such a small person." He tickled me and I let out a laugh shaking around him. Dustin suddenly tackled Eddie down to the ground to which Eddie also grabbed me making the three of us laugh.

"Hey, you three get ready to go!" Nancy shouted and we stopped, standing back up the mood drifted quick. Everyone stopped talking silently backing up and getting back into the motor home.

Once dropping off Max, Lucas and Erica we drove back to the trailer hiding the motor home nearby. Since I was helping set up from the normal Hawkins because the less time there the more likely my Asthma would act up I helped Robin and Nancy through the portal first. Then once it was Eddie's turn he kissed me.

"Try and stay here alright." Nodding stepping back to let him climb through I stared up at the five of them.

"Get the extension cord ready," Dustin said and I disappeared into the cabinet by the kitchen. Why the hell is there this long of a cord in here? Tossing it up through the portal followed by finding tools for the to shield up the place Eddie came back waving his hands.

"Now the speakers." Giving him the two smaller ones which I could actually pass through Eddie blow me a kiss before he disappeared again. The second I heard Eddie begin to play I jumped up through the portal slamming out the now two doors and climbing up to the roof. Which Dustin noticed shaking his head at me while I brought out my katana.

"T-minus thirty seconds!" Dustin shouted through the loudspeakers and I spotted the bats coming in our direction. "Twenty. (y/n) get the door ready!" Nodding over at him jumping down the truck beside the house and down to the door keeping it open for them.

"Fuck come on you two!" I shouted seeing the swarm flying over us which they came sprinting away from. Shutting the gate behind me and into the trailer, I panted with the boys.

"Dude most metal ever!" Dustin screamed with Eddie.

"Focus." I hissed hearing the bats screeching and clawing at the trailer exterior.

"What are you doing here anyway. You're meant to stay away unless there's danger." Rolling my eyes at Dustin wondering why he had to bring it up now he arched an eyebrow at me waiting.

"Claudia would kick my ass if I let you die on my watch and I came here to make sure neither of you did anything stupid." Pointing a finger at both of them a louder noise came closer to where we were standing.

"They're on the roof." Eddie breathed out walking steadily towards the noises. The ceiling was covered in vines but not in the one place we needed it Which was a vent.

"They can't get in there can they?" The second Dustin spoke this the vent popped open and a bat screeched making the three of us scream in response. The three of us stabbed at the vent.

"We cant stab at them all day!" I yelled out glancing at the pair of them.

"Die die die!" Dustin shouted out focusing on the fucking demon bats and Eddie grabbed a chair.

"Move!" He brought one of the trash can lids and slammed it into the roof.

"Nice." Dustin breathed and They high-fived.

"Are there any other vents?" Their congratulations stopped and they both looked at me.

"Oh shit," Eddie said jumping down and to his room which now a swarm of bats came bursting through grabbing hold of the door Eddie slammed it shut.

"Time to fucking go! Move!" Dustin climbed up first then I followed with ease taking a puff of my inhaler once making it back.

"Eddie let's go come on! You're so close, Eddie." But what I saw in Eddie's eyes changed. Which I knew what that meant. Fuck.

"Don't you fucking dare Eddie come through this portal right now!" He didn't listen and while I tried climbing back through he sliced the rope. I fell back down on the mattress groaning but ignoring it when Eddie picked up his weapons.

"No Eddie what are you doing."

"I'm buying more time." Dustin began tearing up and I stood quickly focusing on Dustin.

"Hey come on we need to make it through pull yourself together." He nodded sniffing before pushing the mattress away. I grabbed a chair cracking my neck.

"You think you can make that?" Dustin asked and I nodded running and jumping up easily making it through the portal and when planting both feet to the ground I pulled the mattress back under.

"Come on Dusty Bun we don't have time." He let out a scream running and jumping up onto the rim of the portal.

"My name is fucking Dustin (y/n)!" He shouted at me making it through. Grabbing his hand helping Dustin up and through the trailer, we came outside seeing no bats at the trailer but down the road.

"Take this," I said tossing Dustin the shotgun Nancy gave me in case. We started running towards Eddie who was surrounded.

"How the hell do you use this!?" I groaned at Dustin.

"Shoot and snap back the forearm between each shot. Point away from other people come on." Running off to the tornado of Bats we made it in time to cut off a bat wrapped around Eddie's throat.

"What are you two doing here?" Eddie asked as Dustin took a shot with the shotgun.

"Stopping you from doing something stupid," I called out cutting through three bats and weaving my way in front of Eddie to stop another one from biting him.

"Fucking hell." He breathed behind me. "That's the girl I'm gonna marry one day man!" He shouted to Dustin who blasted a bunch of bats to the ground. I ignored the comment knowing one wrong move and my face will be gone. Come on we need a plan out of here.

"Welcome to the family now fucking focus! I need more shots (y/n)!" Grabbing the gun from him trading it for the Katana I popped out the last shot swiftly moving in five more shots.

"Come on!" Eddie yelled when with a crackle of lightning they all fell to the ground. We three panted glancing around.

"That wasn't so hard." Dustin smiled and I glared at him.

"Yeah, I'm just half-eaten alive." Eddie breathed out while I shot the last shell at a bat. They both jumped. "Now was that necessary?"

"What? I saw it twitch. Come on after this I need some hard liquor." Eddie Chuckled groaning while wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Now that's my girl."

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